Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
If you know who this is without cheating then chances are you are an ok person...


what one thing should people you like know kids?
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By Wyatt
I thought it was DLT
By Chrz
Ain't got a clue... maybe Bob the Builders' hand???
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By Sidders
It's one of the people off of Charlie Chalk, but I can't remember the names of any of the characters now apart from Charlie himself.

Person above me: Your signature's too big.
I think Charlie Chalk is perhaps the greatest television show ever made.

Granted I must have been about four or five when I watched it, but still.


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By Console
Well, I did recognise it, but I couldn't think of the name until I looked at the filename.
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By Walter Sobchak
Charlie Chalk hey! My daughter loved that, and so did I.... but what about "don't you open that TRAP DOOR, you're a fool if you dare" Pure Genius!
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By Console
OldGit wrote:but what about "don't you open that TRAP DOOR, you're a fool if you dare" Pure Genius!

It had a good theme song, but I don't remember much about the program itself. Wasn't it a plasticine type program?
By Fathomer
Do you remember the Charlie Chalk play areas??
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By Sidders
MC wrote:< Listen >

ahhhhh what a show.

Why do I recorgnise the voice of the person who sings that?
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
theres loads of theme tunes if you go to the site my picture is linked from. its brilliant... Fraggle Rock is a great piece of music.
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By MK Chris
Charlie Chalk is the one program I don't remember being mentioned in the countless 'what did you watch when you were young, blah blah nostalgic' threads. A forgotten classic.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
cos its not actually that old. im still a child now.

give yourself a shiny!
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By Quincy
i prefer pogs
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By fish heads
Remember Alf?

Well he's back...In Pog form
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By Quincy
millhouse classic
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By Sidders
What's a shiny?
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By Quincy
stickers. the shinys are the best. like the team badge or the star player.

got, got, got, got, got, got, got, got, NEED!!
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By fish heads
Sidla wrote:What's a shiny?

The one Gaspode is talking about is the Cbeebies show "The Shiney Show" where you win shiny things like spoons. I've only seen it once, so I'm not sure of all the rules
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By Quincy
i want to see this shiney show.
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By Quincy
my life is now complete
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
its brilliant. i beat my nephew who though it was called a "milk van" not a "milk float".

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By Walter Sobchak
console wrote:Wasn't it a plasticine type program?

Yep, it was.
There was always some random thing appear out of the trap door, I found it funny, matched my mental age :P