- Sat Sep 24, 2005 5:38 pm
ive got a lot of time on my hands admittedly and ive been on a quest to find out why they stopped making wispa's
eureka, i found the answer.
cadburys thought that the name had gone stale and decided to exploit the name of dairy milk. so in effect if you want to buy wispa or the closest form, you have to buy a dairy milk with bubbles. the same can be said for the wispa spin offs like the biscuit one. i remember the awful cappuchino one. it was rotten. sorry for the lack of capitals. im typing one handed (no im not tugging, im playing on the ps2 and it only needs a thumb to play) and i cant be arsed pressing the caps lock button, still at least it beats text talk.
eureka, i found the answer.
cadburys thought that the name had gone stale and decided to exploit the name of dairy milk. so in effect if you want to buy wispa or the closest form, you have to buy a dairy milk with bubbles. the same can be said for the wispa spin offs like the biscuit one. i remember the awful cappuchino one. it was rotten. sorry for the lack of capitals. im typing one handed (no im not tugging, im playing on the ps2 and it only needs a thumb to play) and i cant be arsed pressing the caps lock button, still at least it beats text talk.
dave benson phillips