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By Fathomer
More4- the "intelligent" channel from Channel 4 launches tonight.
Looks good- highlights for me must be the David Blunkett thing and 'Downfall' which is on on Friday Night. YOu have to record Downfall before you go out on Friday- its a great film.
More4 Launches tonight at 2000BST.
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By fish heads
fathomer90 wrote:the "intelligent" channel

You should probably steer well clear of it then
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By tombugler
It looks good, some of the things they've advertised in the trailers are well worth watching.

While on the subject of channel 4, and not wanting to ressurect an old thread, I watched the last 10 mins of Lost last week and was gutted to find that it's actually bloody brilliant!
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By Adam
I like Channel 4 - more4 looks good.
By Jono
It is. I think it's unfair to say an 'adult entertainment channel' as I'd say a lot of the stuff is appealing to me.
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By fish heads
Well the target audience is mainly adults. No point saying its a channel for everyone, when the cast majority of people your age Jono probably don't care - not to say that nobody does though
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By fish heads
By cast majority, I mean vast majority
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By iSeb
And to be honest, I really doubt a lot of kids will get all the humour in a lot of stuff, like The Daily Show for example...

I think it was a clever marketing strategy, lets see if it works for them...

Also, I'm glad that I can watch The Sepranos from the start again.
By funnydave
Is this channel any good?
Havent seen it yet.
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By fish heads
Depends what you like. For you I suspect it will be far too highbrow
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By Betti911
Is it the Downfall film about Hitler. That was very good. I went to see it with my boyfriend and I really enjoyed it. Think he may have been a touch bored. Didn't reveal to him that it was subtitled until just before we went in :twisted:
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By Walter Sobchak
Watched 'A Very Social Sevretary' last night, that was quite funny, but I was expecting more laughs from it.
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By Chris4
it's not my cup of tea, but it might appeal to others
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
It has really old episodes of ER which is great.

Goose is boss.
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By Uglybob
they can barely fill e4 with stuff so i dont know what difference another channel will make
By Jono
It's 'new'. Thus they put all the new stuff on it, and make it look good and people will watch it... for a few months.

Then it becomes as rubbish as all the rest.
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fish heads wrote:Depends what you like. For you I suspect it will be far too highbrow

He's gotta find the channel first.
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By Uglybob
if its new why is it showing old er
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
There seems to be a need to get as many channels as possible rather than quality programmes.
By Jono
Blame Channel 5 I say...
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By Walter Sobchak
now we got ITV4 coming, with a brand new Kojak

Kojak scriptwriters wrote: who loves ya baby!
By Jono
ITV4 is going to be bad. ITV3 wasn't that great. Imagine ITV4.
ITV4 has Letterman on though.
By Jono
Which ITV2 used to have...