Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By Smooth Criminal
I seen this done on another radio 1 dj fansite.

Anyway here you get to name and shame the people or product or company thats getting on your nerves. Whats making you burst a blood vessel over?

Couldnt think of a better name so just stealing theirs and I choose

Craig David - Reason ? Hes pathetic and Pointless!
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By fish heads
Surely you mean Room 101
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By Uglybob
why is it called spike
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By fish heads
Because a member called "Spike" on unofficial mills was bigging up his ego and naming it after himself
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By Uglybob
maybe he was from 911
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By fish heads
More likely the dog in Tomy & Jerry
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By fish heads
*Tom and Jerry. How annoying that I always make typos in the Trash Can
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By Quincy
spike lee and who was the third member?
By Jono
fish heads wrote:*Tom and Jerry. How annoying that I always make typos in the Trash Can

Yeah, I nominate the 'lack of edit button in this forum' to go into whatever this feature on here is called.
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By Uglybob
i nominate

brussel sprouts
crazy frog
over helpful shop assistants (hello can i help you, what are u looking for, are u just browsing aaarrgghhhhh)
ppl who picket outside cinemas/concerts telling you not to be going in cos they think its bad