Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By Capes
Please could i have the one road travel full jingle with bed and the other main beds for the morning show as an MP3 format please. Or any format other than those in the sound machine. Thankyou
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By Console
All of the music in the sound machine files is in mp3 format, it just needs extracting. Simply rename the pak file to a rar file (or open in your generic rar extractor) and extract.
By Capes
sorry i dont really understand. How do i get to change to a media file to play on windows media player.
What i want to do is download a mixing software package and then change and expand bed music. However at the moment i cant get the sound pak files to change in to a format that the mixing software will take
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By Console
Ok, take the pak file (the file that ends in .pak) and rename it so it ends in .rar. Then use whatever rar extracting software you use (probably winrar for a windows user) and extract the mp3 files from the rar archive.
By Capes
ok. i need to get a .rar extracting thing then in that case.
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By Console
Yes, they are, I dont know why I thought they were rar archives, however winrar will still open the zip files if you get that.
By Capes
OK got win rar.
now get this message
Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file.
any ideas?
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By Console
Did you extract the files from the archive, or just try to play the newly renamed file?
By Capes
what i did was to get the sound paks, and 'extract' them.
Wouldn't it be easier for someone to put them on the internet for me so i can download it?
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By Console
Ok, once you have extracted the pak file, rename it to a zip file (ending in .zip) and extract all the files from that.
By Capes
how do i rename? I right click....
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By Console
Yes, either right-click on the file and goto rename, or click on the file and press F2. Then add .zip to the end. The icon on the file should change to a zip icon. Open the newly renamed file up and extract the contents.
By Capes
thanks for being so patient console. However hard i try and follow yur instructions it wont work. I am quite IT compatible (!) and cant get it to work
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By Console
Ok, a full guide:-

First, download the soundpak you wish to extract the mp3's from.

You should now have an exe file in the place you downloaded to. Run this file and extract the soundpak to where you usually would (your sound machine directory) or to any convient location.

Next goto where you extracted it to (default location is C:\ Sound Machine\soundpaks) and find the soundpak. They are named SoundPaknn.pak (where nn is a number). Rename this soundpak to (again, where nn is the number).

Open the zip file (it should open in an extraction program like winzip or winrar, if not you'll need to install one) and you should see a list of mp3's (0.mp3 - 11.mp3) and a pakinfo file. Highlight all the files and either drag the highlighted files to an open explorer window (or the desktop) or click on the extract button and choose where to extract to.

You should now have the mp3's (and the pakinfo file if you extracted that too) in the location of your choice. Simple go through each one until you get the one you want.
By Capes
thanks console. I will keep trying that until i get it!
Thanks again for being patient!