Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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By oliver
Would it be possible for the jingle which is sometimes used between songs but usually at the end of chriss show/ start of jos , it goes (This is one) ???? thanks.

Also who makes the current radio 1 jingles (not moyles) ???
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By oliver
console, do you make the jingles for radio 1 the ones with peoples names in and the ones that go one and this is one??
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By Console
Sorry, no, I don't make the jingles, that would be either the BBC or Music4.
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By fish heads
Oliver must be Fathomers long lost brother
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By Dickie
or retarded cousin
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By fish heads
Dickie wrote:or retarded cousin

If he's related, the "retarded" comment is un-necesary
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By oliver
im not a retard because i wouldnt be able to use a pc :P