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who is the fittest neighbours honey?

mac (the WPC who is secretly a drug dealer)
susan kennedy
lyn scully
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By fish heads
"Don't you think you need a leg?"

Paul's leg has given neighbours loads more comedy mileage
By Fathomer
I just dont see the point of him not having a leg.
He was much better without it.

Does anyone know will be sensationally axed in the upcoming plane crash? I know the Bishops are involved...
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By fish heads

Serena is the only one to die I think - Dave and Lil just move away. Some people go missing, like Susan, Connor and Dylan but soon turn up
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
they could have done a whole Lost style thing where they met up with Cheryl and other people who randomly went missing.
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By Sidders
That's not a spoiler, it was mentioned a few pages back.

Edit: I can't believe this thread has now hit 70 pages.
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By Adam
Lets make it to 100 !
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By fish heads
Sidla wrote:That's not a spoiler, it was mentioned a few pages back.

Since it hasn't happened in the UK, it is technically still a spoiler.
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By Dickie
That plane crash story was doing the rounds about 10 years ago when i watched it.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
they knew 10 years ago that serena would die in a plane crash?

now that is good planning.
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By Dickie
Lou is such a legend.

'Down with the kids'.
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By Adam
i watched today - yay for neighbours
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By Quincy
the house of trouser is now complete with the addition of lou carpenter.
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By fish heads
Although Lou called it "House of Trousers", so he can't be a fully fledged member if he can't remember the name.

Still his youthful westside-esq hand gestures more than make up for it
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By fish heads
He would probably be thinking "You Still Would"
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By Betti911
Peg leg Paul doesn't have much choice though to be fair. She's the only one evil enough on the street to be his partner.
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By fish heads
Well Lil was willing before.
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By Betti911
True but I think Izzy would still be the average mans choice.

I'm sure Paul will have his wicked way with her after Izzy has gone.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Izzy has a funny looking face anyway.
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By Quincy
oh sky blue
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By fish heads
How out of character was Sky today. Ok she is a bit bitchy sometimes, but this has come out of nowhere. Same for Steph, but they can explain that by her being pregnant. Maybe Sky is up the duff with Dylan's baby - like we need another Timmens
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By Quincy
whats all this about louis carpenter and harold having a race of some kind?
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
its called "we are a bit short of things in this episode"
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By fish heads
Especially since they had a race in the show just a few weeks ago to sort out that stupid bike thing.

Also, I thought Quincy had posted "Rave", which would have been a much better way of sorting things out
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