Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By Ivar
I was just wondering if anyone knows where I can get a full version of this, or who it was done by?

I hope somebody can tell me, thanks!
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By Console
It's by Terrance & Phillip (Well, technically it's Matt Stone and Trey Parker), it's called Uncle F*ck*er and it's on the South Park - The Movie OST.
By Ivar
That's great thanks!
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By parody number 9
Wondered if a clip of this was able to be avaliable?
Another one of those 'are you sure it wont go out on air moments' and put a smile on me with Dom's reaction.
By GruntMitchell
Entire office burst out laughing when Chris played that tune. Everyone was so hoping that he'd mess up when he cut the tune short lol