Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By Capes
how about you wait till the show is over then request all the audio clips from todays show all together.
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By Console
Why? If gavo2004 wants the jingles then what difference will waiting till the end of the show to post the request make? Admittidly I can't start clipping the show until it's finished recording (at 10:10), but that doesn't stop people requesting.

Didn't you make a request before the end of the show yesterday?
By Capes
Probably!! Sorry, just woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning. Apologies
By Capes
30 and 31 are the same. There should be one with them singing eh fatty bum bum at the end
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By Console
Sorry, the link was messed up, it'll work now.
By Capes
thansk console.