Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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By oliver
Hi, please can i request todays 7-30 one road travel, cant remember why, but i was laughing.

Remember when you all insulted blackburn, well the american secritary of state was at my school today, i was on a free period so i misssed her but she was in a bullet proof car! Woow.
By Jono
Surely as a teacher you shoud have been allowed to see her
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By oliver
im at the bottom as im only new so no! and get this. all the pupils met her
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By Eddie
Surely this Oliver guy is not a teacher. From his posts I was imagining someone of, at most, 14.
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By oliver
thankyou mate!! but i think i know my life and my achievements
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By fish heads
He's got you there Eddie
By Jono
Do you think he can help me with my map of the British Isles, I don't know where Blackburn goes :(
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By Eddie
Still can't believe it from the way you come accross.
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According to your map. Blackburn have Gerrard and play in red.
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By oliver
Just for you Jono!!!! Did it on my interactive whiteboard! :roll:

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By Eddie
What age to you teach Oliver. Just curious as I am a teacher. That looks like a prometheon (sp?) board. You want a SMARTboard!
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By oliver
its a promethean one yes, my class room is in the new block, i teach ks3-4 (age 11-16) its brand new, and i have a sanyo projector. Il get a pic of my room (room 7) if you like?

do you have one in yours?
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By Wyatt
Can you get me a picture of room 5 please
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By oliver
whats the difference with promthean and smart board?
By Jono
Money I should imagine.
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By oliver
im not sure bout smartboard, googled it and there nice but mine was £3000 ish for the board and projector, at luch i come online and use the pen lol basically its a mouse that and the board is the screen lol. thats when it works :? !
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By oliver
by the way where do i got for breakfast requests? mills or moyles next week? ermmm.

Not here.
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By gregs
oliver, you teach at pleckgate? that's interesting.. what subject?

you also seem to write more like a 14 year old than a adult... then again -
By Jono
His profile says he likes Geography :)
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By Eddie
gregs wrote:you also seem to write more like a 14 year old than a adult... then again -

That's what I thought! That's why I couldn't believe that he was a teacher. Having used both SMART and prometheon, I can tell you the difference is that SMART are more user friendly and are favoured by most people.

Also, I couldn't care less what projector you have or to see a picture of your room. That's just odd. Anyway, like Chris has said in another thread - enough of the personal attacks. I will stop here. I'm sure there's a reason why a teacher would write like a 14 year old and offer to show photographs of a classroom. End of. Also, this is the sound forum and I apologise for going off topic.