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By MK Chris
Dickie wrote:To my shock my Dad turned around the other day and confessed to testing out Wii Sports last week a couple of nights whilst I was out, it's the first time in 22 years either of my parents have voluntarily played a console. The Wii has made a brekathrough.

My mum used to love Aladdin on the Mega Drive.
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By Mafro
My mum dug out my old Game Gear the other week so she can play Columns.
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By Chongster
I remember wasting so much time on both those games, I used to love the level on Aladin where you were in the Genie's Cave!

My Mum LOVED Wii sports over Christmas, she wouldnt stop playing the Bowling and the Tennis, and the Cow Racing on Wii Play, she loved that too.

My 360 Gametag is - The Chong
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By Dickie
For those possibly unaware you can sign into and manage your Live account as you would through your Xbox Dashboard. Handy when adding friends on t'internet during the day without the hassle of switching the xbox on.
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By Mafro
Shame that Nintendo can't be arsed with any online multiplayer stuff, Wii Sports online would be great, missed a massive opportunity.
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By Dickie
Nintendo Forum wrote:Nintendo is still doing something with their online component, probably fixing glitches and stuff. It's not just the games released in 2007 that will get online play (and probably not all games released in 2007 will have online play). It will be available for developers in January 2007. So developers can add a multiplayer component to the games that came out before 2007 through Connect24. A simple patch and stuff will make it online. We don't know if developers will add the online part in 2007 but they can. What's so great about it is that they can update the game and add new stuff through Connect24.

So theoretically if the developers of Wii Sports decide to they could add an online component in the future.
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By Mafro
They bloody better. Wouldn't mind some new Zelda dungeons.
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By kendra k
i think they're freaked out about perverts getting the kiddies. take a clue from how they manage online games for the ds.

i'm still waiting for wii animal crossing.
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By Chongster
its Smash Bros I'm waiting for, going to be so awesome
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By kendra k
have you seen screen shots from the previews? i'm so excited!!! when i beat zelda, i'm getting wario ware and maybe electrobits.
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By Mafro
Don't you mean Elebits? I might get Wario Ware on Friday if I have enough cash.
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By kendra k
yeah, elebits. it seems reminiscent of chibi robo for the game cube, of which i was a huge fan.

man, i was playing wario ware last night. i want to go buy it right now, but i know i should finish zelda first. i hate that feeling.

mafro, get yer number so i can send you all my dumb miis.
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By Adam
Is the Wii good?
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By Dickie
Superb, you get more hooked than you would think, the controlling system really does put it in a completely different category to the 360 and PS3. The Wii doesn't really compare in any ways but I wouldnt say that the 360 or PS3 can leave your muscles aching the next day or have you falling about laughing playing with anyone from 4 years old to 64 years old. Buy one!!
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By kendra k
i think nintendo gets the most out of the wii, and has developed really good games. sony needs to learn that.
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By Dickie
I think Games Console developers could bcome lazy now with all the power of modern consoles at their fingertips. I doubt any console will be 'pushed to it's absolute limits' like consoles of years gone by.
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By kendra k
neither do i, because people are easily impressed. but i know a lot people moan about how the wii processors aren't as powerful as the ps3 or xbox360. just because the processor is amazing doesn't mean the games will be.

the real winner is ibm for making all the chips.
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By DemonHorse
I got a phone call today... one store I reserved a Wii at last friday has one in with my name on it... and they're saving it until midday saturday :D

BTW it's Gamestation, and unlike Game, they were honest in that they don't get too many consoles in, but were also willing to save it for a LOT longer than Game.
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By Mafro
I'm not online yet Kendra, soon though. I've not played Chibi Robo, been trying to track down a copy for ages but can only find it on ebay for ridiculous prices.
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By kendra k
mafro, i might be able to send it to you. i haven't played it since i beat it one weekend, and nobody else i know wants to play it. (because they suck.)
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By Quincy
kendra send me something cool from america land. a tshirt or something. something cheap or even free.
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By kendra k
give me your address and i will.

that goes for anybody.
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By Quincy

are you sure? all i really want is like a free t-shirt. something really tacky but obviously american, if you know what i mean. the sort of thing that you get free with a packet of cereal or dr pepper etc.