Ok, my turn.
1.) I've had work published all around the world, including doing some work that was published in an american comic called "strangers in paradise."
2.) I'm absolutely obsessed with Robots, and anything to do with robots. (I mean fictional ones, not the stupid things that look like spacemen and walk through museums...) One of my top 3 films is Robocop. Zoot is a Cartoon character I've been drawing for about 10 years. I really like him and when i get time, i have plans for a one off comic.
3.) I'm part of a film company called Nightshift films, owned by my oldest mate. I'm the designer/art director. We're currently writing our third film.
4.) I play Guitar. Once played in a Blues and Jazz cafe with a sax player, where we made everything up on the spot.
5.) I'm a compulsive worrier. I'm on medication and have been for about 4 years. Something to do with a chemical in-balance I have. Seriously, you'd laugh at some of the stuff I have sleepless nights over.
6.) We once found a dead pipastrel (Sp?) bat on the office floor. I was quite excited, cause I love bats. I wanted to show my girlfriend, so I photocopied it...
7.) My 3 biggest hero's are Slash, Brian May and Jimmy Page. I was once in the same room as all three and didn't know till it was too late. (seriously, Brian May was stood right behind me for an hour before I realised!)
8.) The night I lost my Virginity, I had to stop half way through cause I had a nose bleed
9.) I Had to put my cat down at the beginning of the year. I cried like a baby for 20 mins.
10.) My girlfriend is the great great niece (or something like that) of Diana Doores