- Thu Jul 05, 2007 8:10 am
We had a cold caller at the door last night, trying to get Mum to swop Gas and electric suppliers. I was upstairs at the time and I could hear the conversation. Well he caught my interest when he asked Mum if she'd be interested to swop to his 'Cheaper' service and Mum said she was quite happy with who she was with at the moment. He replied, quite abruptly with "Well, can I ask why your quite happy to pay more for your gas?" Anyway, I carried on, and Mum was trying to finish the conversation to see to her Pork Chops in the Oven, But noo.. The chap kept talking, quite rude at times, offering her M&S vouchers for swopping over and asking "Why?" when Mum said she didn't shop at M&S...
Anyways, Mum was trying to explain that she really had to see to the oven and He Interupted her to tell her about services charges, so I went downstairs and stood behind her. After the 3rd interuption on his part, the conversation went thusly -
Me - "I'm sorry mate, she said No."
Silence for 5 seconds...
Gasman (The wonder idiot) - "I know, I'm just getting some Feedba...."
Me - "But you keep interupting her"
Gasman - "But I'm just.."
Me - "I'm sorry mate but your wasting your time and I think your being quite rude, go try someone else"
Silence... He Glares at me
Gasman - "well, thank you for your time"
Door closes.
Mum Turns around to me and say's "well there was no need for that..." an walks off. She did later thank me for sticking up for her though. My sister (first time ever) turned to me and gave me the thumbs up though.
Yea, I know he was just doing his Job etc, but there are unacceptable ways to go about it in my opinion.
That annoyed me Yesterday.
foot-loose wrote: you really can be quite gay sometimes Toph