Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By S4B
When you were younger did you do something that still makes you feel guilty? Confession is good for the soul and may make you lay these things to rest so fess up and give us a laugh at the same time.

I stole sweets off my friends one day at primary school and then denied it so well that the teacher blamed someone else who had to stay in on breaks for a week! I do still feel very guilty but can't remember the child's name to apologise personally. Maybe this is why I'm not that fond of sweets now.
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By Console
I cannot think of a single thing that I feel guilty about; not that I didn't do 'bad' stuff of course, I just don't feel guilty about any of it.
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By Zoot
Here we go again.
Your getting predictable in your, er, young age Console...
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By S4B
please try to desist hun it's getting dull. You don't want your gravestone to read "Console....was funny once upon a time" do you?

(And before you put on that pedantic head. I'm sure you want to be cremated or kept fro medical science so don't want a tombstone, and I'm perfectly aware your name is not Console in which case, should you have a tombstone, it wouldn't say 'Console' at all.)

Think I've covered all the options there
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By Zoot
S4B wrote:please try to desist hun it's getting dull. You don't want your gravestone to read "Console....was funny once upon a time" do you?

(And before you put on that pedantic head. I'm sure you want to be cremated or kept fro medical science so don't want a tombstone, and I'm perfectly aware your name is not Console in which case, should you have a tombstone, it wouldn't say 'Console' at all.)

Think I've covered all the options there

*Applauds S4B*
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By S4B
Would you not? Are you not looking for a pedantic quote to confuse and irritate people for years to come? I'm "shocked, stunned and not a little amazed" to quote Billy Connolly. Console you disappoint me.

Now this is not going to turn into a Console v s4b thread as if I'm a substitute Viv. So I will not retaliate any more however tempted. It was fun though so thanks Console xx
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By MK Chris
I once smashed up a car with a mate of mine, I can't remember how old I was, probably 12. It's not as bad as it sounds (though it is still bad), the car was an old banger that no one ever drove, sat in a field. It belonged to my friend's nextdoor neighbour, but we shot ourselves in the foot; they were planning on doing it up so we could drive it round the field. That's the very worst thing I've ever done, in fact nothing else comes close - on the whole I wasn't bad.
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By Yudster
Console wrote:You missed out that once I'm dead I really wouldn't care what my gravestone/tombstone read.

I already posted this once, I wonder if it will disappear again -

It will read "Console - NACAHTHW".
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By Console
Yudster wrote:It will read "Console - NACAHTHW".

Not Alive, a Corpse Actually. Hated Tomato's and Heaven Worshipers?
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By Yudster
Console wrote:
Yudster wrote:It will read "Console - NACAHTHW".

Not Alive, a Corpse Actually. Hated Tomato's and Heaven Worshipers?

No it would need a couple more "A"s - but its good, I like it!
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By Yudster
You can't punctuate either.
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By Console
No, because the 'a's from 'a' and 'and' (as well as any 't's from 'the') aren't usually included in initialisations.
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By Yudster
Bag for balls wrote:Shouldn't the last letter be an "I" and not a "W".

Not if he's dead, no.
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By Yudster
Console wrote:No, because the 'a's from 'a' and 'and' (as well as any 't's from 'the') aren't usually included in initialisations.

They are when I do them. And I did this one.
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By Nicola_Red
Just to intrigue you all...about three years ago I told a lie that had potentially really terrible consequences, so bad i can't actually say what it is. In the end everything was fine, but it was potentially so serious that I don't really know what I was thinking of. Well, I was in a right state emotionally at the time but that didn't excuse it. I've never told anyone.
By Ballbag
Oooh, that's a good one. I was thinking Clever, but you're probably right Console.
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By Yudster