- Wed Aug 22, 2007 10:54 am
Cool works as well, although I would never consider myself as 'cool'.
nicola_red wrote:Just to intrigue you all...about three years ago I told a lie that had potentially really terrible consequences, so bad i can't actually say what it is. In the end everything was fine, but it was potentially so serious that I don't really know what I was thinking of. Well, I was in a right state emotionally at the time but that didn't excuse it. I've never told anyone.
foot-loose wrote:Its a bit sick that we are discussing this aint it?
Deadly wrote:Topher wrote:Stuff about Thatcher....
You are a disgrace and I'm looking forward to when someone you respect dies so I can rub your liberal face in it.
S4B wrote:nicola_red wrote:Just to intrigue you all...about three years ago I told a lie that had potentially really terrible consequences, so bad i can't actually say what it is. In the end everything was fine, but it was potentially so serious that I don't really know what I was thinking of. Well, I was in a right state emotionally at the time but that didn't excuse it. I've never told anyone.
I'm VERY intrigued!
Bas wrote:She's the Tina Daheley of chrismoyles.net
catherine wrote: kendra i love you so much
Yudster wrote:Oh shut up you titless American biatch
Deadly wrote:Topher wrote:Stuff about Thatcher....
You are a disgrace and I'm looking forward to when someone you respect dies so I can rub your liberal face in it.
Topher wrote:I'd imagine it did work, seeing as he is posting it in a thread where the question was "When you were younger did you do something that still makes you feel guilty?"
I also feel the last comment was tongue-in-cheek. I could be wrong, but hey.
Charlalottie on Twitter wrote:Just remembered that I played pool with a satanist last night. Really should go out on a Friday more often.
Charlalottie wrote:Had a good night last night. We lost the pub quiz but had my hair plaited by a viking.
S4B wrote:Well be specific then!
charlalottie wrote:I'm surrounded by tissues slowly dying into a horrific phelgmy death.
Deadly wrote:Topher wrote:Stuff about Thatcher....
You are a disgrace and I'm looking forward to when someone you respect dies so I can rub your liberal face in it.
S4B wrote:Yes but had you ben specific before then I wouldn't have needed to ask you the question in the first place. Think about what you're saying before you say it as my Mum always says!