Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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By timp
One thing I miss from the show is the classical class feature they used to do at around 7.20 each morning. It would be great if someone could clip one of them for me please! :)
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I'd like to hear a bit of Elgar if it ever came back.
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By timp
Console, I am aware you are a busy man, but is there any possiblity of getting this clipped at all please? You only have to say no if you won't do it! :)
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By Console
What is it you actually want clipped, because all classical class was was them not doing anything while a piece of music played; a piece of music which is commercially available.
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By timp
Maybe just the build up into one, the music and the chat afterwards, on any show, cos the music itself doesnt sound as good without the chat round it.