Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Longview01
Im english, But I like the scots.

Is that ok???
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By DemonHorse
I'm english but I like Scotch... and most other forms of alcohol.
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By Yudster
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:I was looking to find out who the "Thrid" were that were going to cause this World War and I found some very disappointing spelling:

Disappointing on so many levels, indeed. But at least we now know the aliens have already landed in California.
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By MK Chris
I don't like scotch or bourbon.. clear spirits all the way for me.
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By Console
Tonic is (I think) essentially water with some horrible tasting chemical added to it. Fun fact though, I seem to remember that tonic water is fluorescent when exposed to ultra violet light.
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By MK Chris
foot-loose wrote:Gin is the drink of satan.

Ah true, I'm not keen on gin.
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By Yudster
Quinine. Tonic water is flavoured with quinine. So if you drink enough of it, you might not get malaria.
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By Console
Ah, Quinine, that's the revolting stuff, although oddly, if tonic water doesn't have that awful taste you shouldn't drink it as it could give you cancer.
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By Sunny So Cal
Not laughter, Gaspode! :D
I'm still laughing from Footloose's and Console's comments.
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By kendra k
you know what cures cancer? radioactive material and sheer will. none of this bullshit about fruits and stuff.

i'm missing the humour of foots and console's comments, aren't i?
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By Sunny So Cal
Kendra -- I have an odd sense of humoUr. Sorry. I think Console and Footloose are so deadpan that their postings are great. First quote>>

foot-loose wrote:This is daft?! Most of the folks on here are English so all thats gonna happen is that everyone slags off Scotland, you get annoyed with them, disappear and I'm the one left!

I think that's hilarious.

and Also Console's attitude w/Viv. He's very low key.
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By Sunny So Cal
Not anything -- I just love the dry sense of humor. But perhaps it is insane laughter? Hmmm...
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By kendra k
so dry that it's nonexistant? don't get me wrong, i like a good dry sense of humour as well, but nonsensical yammering doesn't equal dry humour. that'd be like saying it must be genius if you don't understand it.
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By Sunny So Cal
I wasn't even remarking or laughing re:the tonic water. I was laughing about the England vs. Scotland comments. The tonic water issue IS nonsensical. Don't like tonic water. Here's to yammering.