Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By scamp88
I was watching something on Youtube about Scarest Moments in Film/TV and it got me thinking, I do love a good horror/scarey movie and i was trying to think what scared me the most.

I remember when i was younger i didnt get as scared at Moives as i do now which is strange.

But there is one moment i can remember that i properly Jumped and screamed a little bit in..Is the Ring.

When the Sarama Girl is crawling out of the TV and flickers and appears closer to the man, i remember that made me jump more than Any other moment....

If you dont know what i mean here is the clip on youtube of the Ring:

And in Tv...I am not sure

I remember seeing an Advert for what to do in the event of Nuclear war, I think they were called Protect and Survive, I saw them again on Youtube and the creepy Music they use in them always freaks me out!

Liz xx
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By Console
Something that makes me 'jump' (I use the term loosely) is the bit in 'The Thing' where the dog jumps out of it's cage; I know it's going to happen, but that just seems to make it worse as it never happens exactly when I think it should.
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By MK Chris
I mentioned this a couple of days ago, but the bit when the dead person walks past the toilet in Sixth Sense, as Haley Joel Osment is taking a piss always makes me jump.
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By Vivienne
Scariest: from a film called "Creeps"! About the London underground. Scariest moment was when a couple of guys were walking the tunnels, and could hear odd laughter. They discovered a tunnel which hadn't been there before, then something covered in blood came out of nowhere.
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By claradooblue
When the alien bursts out of the stomach in Alien is seriously nasty. Jurassic park is pretty scary too, but then i think i'm a bit of a wimp on this.