Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Longview01
I actually cannot believe it! - [NB: May crash certain Microsoft browsers due to incessant popup alerts]
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By Console
Ah, what a shame I haven't whitelisted that site for javascript; oh well, I'm sure I'll manage to survive without the stupid site.
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By Longview01
S4B wrote:I'm not trying it someone give me an overview?

it wont do anything bad to your cpu, its just a funny pop up game
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By S4B
Longview01 wrote:
S4B wrote:I'm not trying it someone give me an overview?

it wont do anything bad to your cpu, its just a funny pop up game

I can't be bothered
My browser disables popups so wouldn't be much fun!
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By MK Chris
Console wrote:It's just numerous javascript alert boxes

In which case, if you hold down enter until they disappear, it's a lot quicker than just pressing it.

That or end the browser's process.
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By MK Chris
Is that ever since you were forbidden to go within 300 metres of a dog.