Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Vivienne
If you had some spare cash, and wished to buy a present for an R1 DJ, what would you choose?

For example, would it be some new exercise equipment for Moyles, a tanning booth for Mills, etc., etc.?
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By MK Chris
I'd spend the spare cash on Mrs Topher instead.
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By Yudster
I can think of a whole lot of stuff I would like to give Laura.
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By Bonanzoid
By Laura I presume you mean the girl that 'works' on the Scott Mills show and does nothing but laugh loud and annoyingly in the background? P45 sounds apt to me.
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By Yudster
I would certainly enjoy giving her that, no doubt. Along with some scruples, some discernment, some self-respect and some integrity. I was going to say morals too, but realistically I don't absolutely know she needs them, she might be lying about all that too. Oh, hang on........