Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Vivienne
On Edith Bowman's show yesterday, Edith was saying that this year around one billion pounds is expected to be spent on Xmas gifts in the U.K., with people paying credit card bills off for ages afterwards!

Do you spend a lot on gifts? And, if you don't, what are your means of saving? - One couple on Edith's show yesterday saved £2.00 coins every week from the start of the year until November, then went out and bought all they needed at that point with the cash.
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By MK Chris
I'm going less mad this year, but I expect to spend in the region of £300-400 (the vast majority of which will be on one person).
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By Vivienne
You mean, Mrs Topher! I'm spending no more than £100.00. I start early, in October, before the shops put all the prices up! And I gather stuff in bit by bit. Works every time.

Did you know there are mortgages you can actually take out, which result in you having extra cash every month, which you may put towards Xmas purchases. A financial adviser e-mailed Edith's show yesterday, to tell her this.
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By Console
I spent somewhere between £150 and £200 on my mum last year, and probably about £20-£30 on everyone else (about 6 people). I don't really spend a lot of money the rest of the year, so I always have a lot to spend.
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By Vivienne
Bless you. Your mum must be proud.
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By MK Chris
My mum doesn't like us spending a lot on her. Last year she said "just download an album and burn it to CD for me or something"*, which obviously I didn't do, but we do tend to get told off if we spend too much.

* She didn't say it in those words, I doubt she'd know what burning a CD means.
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By Console
Topher wrote:My mum doesn't like us spending a lot on her.

My mum doesn't either, but it was something she needed. It actually cost about £300, but me and my sister bought it between us (although she hasn't paid me the entirety of her share yet).

Topher wrote:Last year she said "just download an album and burn it to CD for me or something"*, which obviously I didn't do

I gave my my mum a burnt CD once, although it was part of a larger array of gifts.
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By Vivienne
My mum doesn't like people spending a lot on her either, which is very welcome.
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By MK Chris
Console wrote:me and my sister bought it between us (although she hasn't paid me the entirety of her share yet).

Ah, you have a sister like that too!
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By MK Chris
Actually (sorry to double-post), speaking of presents, has anyone bought a digital photo frame and is it worth going for the more expensive ones? I've got my eye on one that seems great (the trouble with me is I look around and when I see the features that the best one has got, I want it, whether it's for me or not). Also, how easy (if it all) is it to generally change the face of it, if you don't like the actual frame?

(Pre-empting a Console suggestion, I don't have the time or the inclination to make one out of an old laptop running Ultra Small Linux or whatever it is.)
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By Console
Topher wrote:(Pre-empting a Console suggestion, I don't have the time or the inclination to make one out of an old laptop running Ultra Small Linux or whatever it is.)

Damn Small Linux, and I actually did that once. I mounted the screen (after extending the data and power cords obviously) to the wall and had it cycle through a couple of hundred pictures; it looked quite good.
By Ballbag
Due to recently moving and being mortgaged up to the eyeballs twice, I'm going for a very cheap Christmas.

I'm thus turning my hand to craft this year. I've already made Mamma Ballbag a bird table (and it's ace, it's got a little roof and everything.. she wanted one too). Pappa Ballbag will be getting one too.

Little sister ballbag is using my services. She's recently bought a house and is wanting to get someone in to make a loft hatch, put a ladder in and board said loft. When discussing this the other day we came to the solution that I would do all the work for her for free as her Christmas present, saving her getting someone in.

Brother ballbag is a little tricky... I may find myself dipping my hands into my pockets for him.
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By Vivienne
This was another suggestion on Edith's show yesterday: i.e. making stuff yourself (Edith was saying it's the thought that counts, which is very true).

Another idea is the buy one get one free stuff : buy one, and the second can be a Xmas pressie (sorted!).
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By Yudster
When I was a poverty stricken single parent (as opposed to a poverty stricken married parent) Iused to make all my pressies except the kids ones. Lots of truffles, chutneys, preserves and stuff, and I am brilliant at making and decorating fruit and vegetable displays from marzipan. I wasn't working full time then though, so I had time to do that kind of thing.
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By Vivienne
Well done, yuds! :-) Send some marzipan up here.

R1 were playing the first of the Xmas songs yesterday, btw, resulting in a number of angry text messages.
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By Yudster
Were they? They normally embargo them until December!
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By MK Chris
And rightly so.

I don't mind after 1st December.
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By Vivienne
Edith was playing Mariah Carey's song yesterday.
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By Yudster
I'm glad I missed it then, on a number of different levels.
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By pjordan2000
I'll probably spend £200 if not a little more on my gf and probably about £50 on my dad but other than that, i've not got too much to buy.
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By kendra k
i just spent $500 on mr kendra k, and will spend about $200 on everybody else combined. stupid playstation 3.
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By Vivienne
I just love your new signature, Charla! :-) Even though it's wrong.
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By Nicola_Red
I expect to spend about £150 total. I only have five people to buy for: housemate, parents, my brother and his fiancee. It's good to be single in that respect. I used to spend £100 on my bf alone; this year I'll buy myself shoes and jewellery instead.