Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By pOgO
Very easy and lots of fun! Simply take a movie title and replace one word with the word Vagina.

For example:

Vagina's in the mist

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By Nicola_Red
Yes, hilarious. :?
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By Zoot
We used to play the Badger game at Uni. Same thing but with the word 'Badger. And we were usually pissed.
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By pOgO
hehehe, could do it with anything I suppose! The vagina ones make me giggle tho. Think my fav is 3 men and a little Vagina :D
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By Zoot
Things to do in Vagina when you're dead?
By m_p_sri
Bad Vagina's 2, (bad boys 2)
Vagina hour 2, (rush hour 2)
Open Vagina, (Open Range)
8 Vagina Freaks) (8 legged freaks)
The day after Vagina, (the day after tomorrow)
X-Men: The last Vagina (x-men: the last stand

how about that for a first post :S
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By Vivienne
I'd say definitely late teens/early 20's?
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By Vivienne
I'm wondering if he got the idea for the topic from his avatar? maybe? maybe not.
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By MK Chris
I think she is a girl.
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By Vivienne
Pogo's a girl. I had the impression of a male!!
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By Andy B
The Vagina Monologues...doesn't work with plays then.....
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By pOgO
Bonanzoid wrote:How old are you?

I'm 26 and actually have some fun now and then, you?

Have fun I mean not how old
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By pOgO
hehehe =o)

Yup, 26 and soon to be married! And yup I am a lady-o

My avatar is ny very own kitty too btw! He rocks, although is slightly ghey
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By MK Chris
I believe "btw" should be "by the way"?
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By claradooblue
Yeah but often you can't tell at all what someone's trying to say with text speak. Why bother with it. Whats the hurry?