charlalottie wrote:Well I've got to learn the guitar now seeing I got one for Christmas but I don't know where to start really. Can't afford lessons and it seems the general trait my guitar playing friends posses is laziness as they cannot be bothered to show me. I will try though.
Ok, try printing some tabs off the internet then. I use To get you started, look up some really simple songs you know and have a crack at them. To start with I recommend anything by Nirvana, Greenday, or REM, because you get some nice simple power chords and some simple riffs too, and it won't be long before you can actually play something you recognise. Also, get a tab for a pentatonic minor scale too, if you learn to play that fluently, you can start improvising and really impress people.
The first few months won't be easy and your fingers will hurt like hell, but I promise it's sooo worth it.
*gets off his soap box*