Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By Ezza
No. I spent 3 hours searching the net for stuff. Finally found something on the AOL homepage. Strangely I didn't think of looking there first..
By Ezza
How ill i feel and yet I can't stay in bed all day as I have 5 exams to revise for.
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By Andy B
I've had that as well, like a constant dull throbbing for days.....

thought I just needed glasses or something.....

You have my sympathy Viv.
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By S4B
Andy B wrote: like a constant dull throbbing for days.....

**Bites tongue**

I think the headache is a bug that's going round actually, loads of my mates have had it
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By Andy B
What's making me smile is listening to the podcast and spraying my drink over the train cos I was laughing so much!

A little bit came out of my nose as well....
By Ballbag
Me and Mrs B woke up on the opposite sides of the bed this morning, it was really odd.
Neither of us remember swapping sides. I nearly fell out of bed, cos I went hunting for her in the night and rolled in the wrong direction.
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By S4B
Ballbag wrote:Me and Mrs B woke up on the opposite sides of the bed this morning, it was really odd.
Neither of us remember swapping sides. I nearly fell out of bed, cos I went hunting for her in the night and rolled in the wrong direction.

That is really bizarre! Did she go off looking for something in the middle of the night and you rolled over so she got back in the wrong side?
By Ballbag
We predict that I went walkabout, and she came hunting for me, then I returned and popped into her side of the bed cos she was in the way.... who knows.

Oh, and it's not role playing Lottster, just hunting for a cuddle.
By wurzel
S4B wrote:I never get hunted for anymore :( I love to be cuddled. Waking up when you're being cuddled is the best feeling in the world

i can actually, catogorically say, that there is a better feeling than that.
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By MK Chris
Waking up to a blowjob.
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By S4B
Topher wrote:Waking up to a blowjob.

ZOOOTY!!!! I think Topher missed our discussion in the chatroom yesterday, you might want to tell him he's on the same side as the girls!
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By MK Chris
The girls like waking up to a blowjob?

What girls do you know?
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