Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By kendra k
wow, ezza. your family sounds really dysfunctional right now. i'm sorry to hear they're all being butts.

i was going to have a pancake breakfast this morning, but i woke up too late and we have no syrup!
By Ezza
Gosh. I also forgot to mention I lost one of my contact lenses, so only seeing out of one eye. And I've arranged to go out for a drink with my ex. :?
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By Yudster
Ezza wrote:Annoying me today - Being insulted by practically my whole family.

foot-loose wrote:You smell of wee.

Miss me?
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By Andy B
Well to fix my laptop I re-installed windows....thinking I had everything safely backed up elsewhere.

Go to reconnect my iPhone to my newly installed itunes and it bloody wipes it!

I downloaded the songs direct to my phone so I don't have the CD's with which to get them....spent a fortune on it as well so I'm buggered if I'm buying the songs again!
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By Andy B
What you re-install your laptop? My laptop was playing up so I re-installed windows on it.....I don't get it?
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By Andy B
Doesn't help with my iphone problem does it Mr so Called clever clogs...Mr computer genius...come and get all my songs back on my iPhone then.....THAT doesn't run on windows....

Hang on what Do you use instead?
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By Andy B
You've started speaking anothe language again.....

Gentoo...I had the Starwars gigure of him, little helmet and a gun. The Bounty hunter that Han Solo shoots in the Cantina bar?

DRM? Doesn't Really play Music?
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By Console
DRM = Digital Rights Management (aka Digital Restrictions Management).

It's essentially system of other people controlling media that you've legally bought and paid for.

Gentoo is a GNU/Linux distribution, it's a source-based FOSS OS.
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By Andy B
But I paid for wiped it.....and now I have to...what buy it again? Stupid Apple.

As for the rest of your post....

Some press Console's reset button, he's talking funny again.
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By Bruvva
Andy B wrote:But I paid for wiped it.....and now I have to...what buy it again? Stupid Apple.

No one believes me when I rage against ipods, apple, itunes and the rest of their Fisher Price "My First Computer/MP3" shit-witchery.
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By Andy B
They are evil.....I shall write and complain. Who's got Steve Jobs' address?
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By Bruvva
Steve Jobs c/o Will Smith
9th circle of Hell
nr. Wolverhampton
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By Andy B
Will Smith? The actor in I Am a big pile of Crap ripped off of 28 days later or that comedian bloke who's posh?
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By Zoot
Andy B wrote:Will Smith? The actor in I Am a big pile of Crap ripped off of 28 days later

(28 days later came after I Am Legend by the way...)
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By Console
Andy B wrote:As for the rest of your post....

Some press Console's reset button, he's talking funny again.

I was trying to see how many subject-specific terms that you wouldn't know the meaning of I could fit into a sentence.

Gentoo is a distribution of Linux (a clone of Unix), which is a free (as in beer and as in speech) and open source (meaning that you could obtain the source-code used to make up the operating system and related programs and alter them according to your wishes) operating system (like Windows, Mac OSX or DOS).
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By Andy B
Mafro wrote:
Andy B wrote:But I paid for wiped it.....and now I have to...what buy it again? Stupid Apple.

Back up important files on an external hard drive.

But the point was they were all on my iphone in the first place...I thought I could just clear the hard drive and copy them from my iphone....stupid thing!
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By Andy B
Zoot wrote:
Andy B wrote:Will Smith? The actor in I Am a big pile of Crap ripped off of 28 days later

(28 days later came after I Am Legend by the way...)

No it didn't, I saw 28 Days later ages ago....I've got it on DVD and everything, there's even a sequel which I've not seen cos it's probably rubbish although it HAS got Robert Carlyle in and he's good and I Am Legend only came out in the cinema recently and I went to see it last night and it was rubbish...

So there! You sir are wrong! Ha!
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By MK Chris
I Am Legend @ Wikipedia wrote:I Am Legend is a 1954 science fiction novel by Richard Matheson about the last man alive in a future Los Angeles overrun with vampires/the infected. It is notable as influential on the developing modern zombie genre, in popularizing the fictional concept of a worldwide apocalypse due to disease, and in exploring the notion of vampirism as a disease. The novel was a success and was adapted to film as The Last Man on Earth in 1964, as The Omega Man in 1971, and again in 2007 as I Am Legend.
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By Andy B
See, that's why you can't trust wikipedia - idiots, I Am Legend isn't set in Los Angeles, it's set in New York, even I could tell that!

What complete thickos!
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