Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Vivienne
QWERTYo8 wrote:..who is the person who edited my text-layout in my post about DROPPING GUESTS?

O grow up, eh? I've had threads locked & moved, and stuff... that's up to Chris.
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By Yudster
But sometimes a thread will be locked for a reason that's nothing to do with the person who actually started the thread. I think the statisitic you actually want is who is the most culpable in terms of causing thread closure - and I reckon that might be fairly subjective and difficult data to capture.
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By MK Chris
I don't think there's a standard report built into phpBB, but it would be easy enough to SQL it out.
...and what Yudwuk said.
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By Yudster
But you could only easily see who started the thread. Deciding whose fault it was it was closed is an entirely more complex issue, a computer can't do that, it requires a different kind of judgement to be made.
By w3tim
It's too subjective. You could generate reports from SQL but what would be the criteria? As Yuds said - You need a person to actually go through it and work out who said what to actually cause the topic to be closed.