Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Vivienne
Sorry! I can't resist posting these! Spotted them at the weekend!

1. What kind of dog avoids a frying pan?

- A sausage dog!

2. Where do dead chickens go when they die?

- The oven!

3. What do you call a complaining adult?

- A groan up!! :-) :-)
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By MK Chris
You should work for a Christmas cracker manufacturer.
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By Yudster
Vivienne wrote:

2. Where do dead chickens go when they die?

- The oven!

No need to apologise for that one!
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By Vivienne
Here's another funny one:

Foot-loose set off for Loch Lomond on Friday, only to be greeted by floods...
Out of the Ark came viv, who proceeded to nibble on his ear.
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By foot-loose
Are you one of the animals? If so, you are meant to go in two by two (hurrah) - I'm pretty sure there is only one of you.

I'll have a word with Noah - I think you might need to leave. Plus, leave my ear alone ya crazy wummin.
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By Vivienne
I have a doppleganger. Bet you don't know what that word is!!
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By Yudster
Bet he does - I bet most of us do in fact. It's not that obscure.
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By foot-loose
Vivienne wrote:I have a doppleganger. Bet you don't know what that word is!!

I do.
Yudster wrote:Bet he does - I bet most of us do in fact. It's not that obscure.

I do.
Vivienne wrote:Foot-loose doesn't keep quite right though.

I do.
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By Bonanzoid
Why are tractors magic?

They go down the road and turn into a field.

(I feel that that joke was too good for this thread, but what the hell, it makes me chuckle)
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By MK Chris
Two fish in a tank. One says to the other: "do you know how to drive this thing?"
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By SpaceBoy
Oh the veal is quite delicious on this thread! lets see if it will last all week! :D
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By Yudster
Now thats funny.
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By Yudster
Once you know that a perch is a type of fish, it gets clearer.
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By foot-loose
pjordan2000 wrote:Two parrots were standing on a perch, one turned to the other and said "Do you smell fish?"

*gives Pjordan 'evils'*
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By Vivienne
Here's another joke:

Why was the reindeer wearing sunglasses on the beach? - Because he did not want to be recognised! :-)
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By Yudster
Vivienne wrote:hmmmm. I still say my jokes were funnier.

Well, not all but i have already given my support to your dead chicken one. Made oi larf.
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By foot-loose
pjordan2000 wrote:*backs away slowly to door, before turning and running as fast as god damn can*

Fred is out there.


Don't make me use him!

A boat carrying blue paint and a boat carrying red paint crashed into each other. Apparently, the crews were marooned.