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By S4B
I think Catherine Tate is going to be great, I was worried she was going to be crap but I was pleasantly surprised.

By the way, how cute were the little fat men in the new series?
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By S4B
Well I guess it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea! Still wondering how Rose got back though! :?
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I like Dr Who, oh I do, but as openers go - certainly from when I've watched in the past, I felt this was a little understated, I loved the ending, that was good, like always - it captured everything Dr Who is about for me - dreaming big dreams beyond our capabilities.

I watched half yesterday, the first 24 minutes involved a great big game of hide and sneak - before eventually the action kicked in. Some beautiful edits, which included Tate's character mercifully catching the rope after it got cut by a 'sonic pen' - dangling one minute, then somehow being safely pulled back into the builiding (we didn't see this happening). I enjoyed the episode in the end, just thought it got off to a slow start.
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By MK Chris
The pissing cinema advert that's always on after Moyles' advert (which is also starting to grate now that I've seen / heard it about 7 times) annoys me. I always forget to look away for the giant wasp bit and then end up jumping really badly.

I think Dr Who on the whole is alright, I wouldn't make an effort to tape it or stay in for it though.
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By Yudster
I don't think Catherine Tate works as Dr Who's assistant. However good she was (and she isn't all that) I would still be put off by the constant expectation that she is going to slip into one of her awful characters. She is too firmly associated with what she has done before to overcome it I think.
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By MK Chris
I liked a lot of Catherine Tate's sketch characters.
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By Bruvva
I think Tate was fine, I've never really bothered with her show before so I wasn't burdened with expectations and I think it's good having a companion who isn't going to be fawning over the doctor every episode. People seem a bit eager to say she's no good after only one christmas special and one normal episode and don't want to give her a chance purely because they didn't like her tv show.

As for the episode itself, it was the usual Russell T Davies thing of good dialogue but not much in the way of plot but as it was just a scene setter and a way of reintroducing Donna then it did its job. Nice to see Rose make an early appearance and I think that line about the disappearing bees may be significant (it was mentioned in Torchwood on Friday as well).
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By Console
I thought it was a pretty decent episode, not a ground breaker, but a good start to a new series. The one time I saw the Catherine Tate show, I thought it was awful, but I think she fits in well with Doctor Who - her performance didn't remind me of TCTS, but of the Christmas Special she was in.

As for the bees, it wouldn't be the first time that Torchwood has set up a Doctor Who arc, or vice versa.
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By S4B
Bruvva wrote:I
As for the episode itself, it was the usual Russell T Davies thing of good dialogue but not much in the way of plot but as it was just a scene setter and a way of reintroducing Donna then it did its job. Nice to see Rose make an early appearance and I think that line about the disappearing bees may be significant (it was mentioned in Torchwood on Friday as well).

I find your attention to detail in this matter slightly worrying! (Even down to the fact you noticed the bees thing in both Dr Who & Torchwood! 8O )

As to you knowing how a Russell T Davies episode differs from other writers well that is just downright disturbing!

**Contemplates ending her friendship with Bruvva due to excessive geekiness**
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By Bruvva
S4B wrote:
I find your attention to detail in this matter slightly worrying! (Even down to the fact you noticed the bees thing in both Dr Who & Torchwood! 8O )

As to you knowing how a Russell T Davies episode differs from other writers well that is just downright disturbing!

**Contemplates ending her friendship with Bruvva due to excessive geekiness**

How, in the name of Whedon, is noticing stuff that happens on television geeky?
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By Console
It involves using the brain in some fashion, to some people using your brain is geeky.

Talking of Whedon, do you happen to know when Dollhouse is coming out? I remember seeing a press release recently that possibly said when it was starting, but I couldn't find it the other day. It's looking to be an interesting series, I just hope Fox doesn't screw it up (again!).
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By Sunny So Cal
There is something pleasantly ironic about S4 calling Bruvva on "excessive geekiness" while maintaining her Foot_ _ designed signature.
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By S4B
Yeah but my geekiness only applies to definition 3 whereas Bruvva has the other 2 definitions sewn up!
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By Bruvva
S4B wrote:Yeah but my geekiness only applies to definition 3 whereas Bruvva has the other 2 definitions sewn up!

*Looks at point 1*

Boring and social misfit?

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By Andy B
I liked the episode, especially the bit where she mouthed OH MY GOD! - I actually "lol"'d at that.

My other half thought the fat men were cute too...

I like the teaser on the red button, it's got Martha covered in goo like she's some sort of clone or something......and it has giant bees in it too!
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By Bruvva
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By Andy B
Bee. Wasp. what's the difference? Big yellow and black things that sting you and get in your way at picnics!

I had one of those African giant wasps in my bathroom the other day, not much smaller than the ones in that Dr Who trailer, I had to use a REALY huge cup to get rid of it..

Foot's find a picutre of a guy holding a REALLY huge cup for me?
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By Bruvva
Bees make honey and are nice. Wasps serve no purpose other than to menace people and generally act evil.
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By foot-loose
Andy B wrote:Foot's find a picutre of a guy holding a REALLY huge cup for me?


He is down there... somewhere.
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By Andy B
They make paper though......if years ago the chinese hadn't milked wasps for their paper then we'd be living in a very different society today....we'd probably be writing on dried reeds or using slate and'd make taking the minutes in meetings a lot more interesting though!
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By MK Chris
I'd be quite happy writing on dried reeds, slate, or anything else if it meant wasps didn't exist.
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By Andy B
foot-loose wrote:
Andy B wrote:Foot's find a picutre of a guy holding a REALLY huge cup for me?


He is down there... somewhere.

*Some joke about S4B stripping off in public that I can't be arsed to think of*
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By foot-loose
Andy B wrote:They make paper though......if years ago the chinese hadn't milked wasps for their paper then we'd be living in a very different society today....we'd probably be writing on dried reeds or using slate and'd make taking the minutes in meetings a lot more interesting though!

How the hell do you milk a wasp?!?!
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