Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Yudster
Hey, one step at a time. Its a start.
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By Yudster
Ok Viv's back.
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By rustybike
Vivienne wrote:I've got another joke:

why did the skeleton ask for milk?

His mother said it would be good for his bones.

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By Zoot
Boy - "Mum, whats a Vampire?"
Mum - "Just shut-up and eat your soup before it clots..."

Thanks for the vote.... Giving is the greatest pleasure.

Yes i did type the address incorrectly sorry about that. You guys ever read a book called "Polar Bear Pirates and their search to reach Fat City" ???????????????

Great book that talks about what we all encounter along life's journey. The author Adrian created characters called - Neg Ferret, Head Treader, Fat Bloater, Molasses Man, Virus and so on.... you get the drift.

In any case, I do believe that if you put your mind to it that you can achieve anything and besides why should i ever give up helping people- I enjoy it..

Dreams to Reality and thanks for the warm welcome!

Regards Brad
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By Yudster
Run along now. Go and find a more gullible forum to play with.
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By Boboff
well I joined and they do seem really nice, for £14.99 they will send me all the secrets on how to make £1,000,000,000,000,000 a minute working from home.

Woo Hoo!

I am going to be rich !!!!!

Oh by the way, would anyone be interested in selling wonderful cleaning products????
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By MK Chris
Would anyone like viagra or cialis (or should that be v1agra and c1alis)?

Those people that go round offering penis enlargements.. don't be fooled, they don't work. Foot-loose told me.
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By Bonanzoid
Console wrote:I thought I'd leave it considering that he screwed up and posted the wrong URL's.

A misplaced apostrophe from the great pedant himself. I knew this thread had some meaning or purpose.
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By Andy B
Topher wrote:Would anyone like viagra or cialis (or should that be v1agra and c1alis)?

Those people that go round offering penis enlargements.. don't be fooled, they don't work. Foot-loose told me.

For £14.99 I will send you a guaranteed penis enlarger. You too can have literaly minutes of fun with this patented device. Works every time. Never needs batteries. Can be used again and again.

Yes it's your very own copy of Razzle!