Vivienne wrote:We, in this country, look at "global warming!" when we really need to look at crime rates, and how we can solve them.
You mean 'Global Warming', the thing that could potentially destroy all life as we know it? I can't imagine why that would get more attention. Saying that though, does it get more attention?
Vivienne wrote:This is what's wrong: druggies are given rehabilitation (costs), benefits from job Centres (costs); housing (costs).
How many 'druggies' actually get rehabilitation on the NHS, though, and it it a significant percentage of the total drug users? How much does all of the rehabilitations and benefits cost the tax-payer?
Vivienne wrote:Now, the victims that they may leave behind when they do something to them when they are out-of-control?
Are you asking about the families of the people that may die from an over-dose, or other drug-related problem? Don't more people get killed from car related incidents than die from drug overdoses?
Vivienne wrote:A druggie drew on my parents' wall (opposite their house) in big letters in WHITE PAINT. No particular reason, or anything. And who had to sort all that out? My mum & dad (who are both OAPs).
I have no hard data, but I would think that most people that graffiti on walls aren't on drugs while they're doing it.
I don't disagree that there are some people, that are on drugs, that cause problems for society, but unless they're a significant proportion of the people that take drugs, then that's not a good enough reason to make drugs completely illegal.