markool89 wrote:"forgive and forget" is not known by you lot then?!
Let's not forget you were given plenty of chances:
Yudster wrote:markool89 wrote:i dont dissagree about giving money to help other countrys. i say help all the freaking way. i just wish the government would give as much to their own country, as they do to others!
Mark, read boboff's post. Then read it again. Then actually READ it. When you've taken it in, come back and look at this - but don't be too embarrassed, we all make mistakes.
Yudster wrote:Really though Mark, you should listen to boboff. You'll have a much harder time going through life in ignorance than you will if you open your eyes and ears and use them for yourself, rather than just soaking up the mass-media rubbish which is produced specifically for retards. Don't be a retard Mark, you're a much better person than that.
Yudster wrote:But I didn't mean that Markool and Viv are horrible!
This just an example of Yudster saying she doesn't think you're horrible (though I'm pretty sure you have changed her mind on that now.)
Topher wrote:Markool89, seriously, I don't think you actually believe that despicable tripe about castrating Africans, it's certainly not something that you will find in any newspaper, as (as Yudster says) it's a criminal offence to incite racial hatred. I would, however, like to know where you inherited some of your views from if they haven't been printed in a paper? Do your parents tell you this bullshit? You're (presumably) an 17/18 year old boy who is living in the 1950s. Hitler would have been proud of you.
Is that evidence enough of chances people have given you? They are just the ones I could be bothered to go through and quote. If you like, when I have time, I will go through and find all the stupid comments you've made that have caused people to come to the conclusion that you are nothing but a hateful, spiteful little shit.
Go and spout your shit somewhere else you irritating little racist, retarded no-mark.