Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Vivienne
Channel 4 will be broadcasting the first ever live advert at approx. 8:10 p.m. this evening! Check it out!! If all goes well, this may be an on-going thing.
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By Yudster
Does anyone know what it is an advert for? They've been teasing it for ages, and it's becoming irritating.
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By MK Chris
I can't see why I would want to watch a live advert any more than I would want to watch a pre-recording. To me, adverts are a chance to nip to the loo, get a drink and generally do stuff without missing what you're watching.
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By Yudster
Topher wrote:I can't see why I would want to watch a live advert any more than I would want to watch a pre-recording. To me, adverts are a chance to nip to the loo, get a drink and generally do stuff without missing what you're watching.

Which is exactly why whoever this ad agency is are pulling this stunt - to make people think that there is something intrinsically special or better about having the TV sell us things just because it's live. I'm unimpressed by the concept, and I won't be going out of my way to see the product.
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By MK Chris
I'm sure, but I'm unimpressed as well.

I was watching Walk the Line the other day on ITV (which is a very good film by the way) and it was annoying when the adverts came on. I understand the requirement to make money, but I much prefer things when they aren't constantly interrupted by adverts; the F1 coverage on ITV is diabolical (although that is only partly to do with the adverts and partly due to the fact that James Allen is a colossal prick).

Still, at least it's not as bad as it is in America, where (so I'm told) the adverts start with no prior warning and you sometimes think it's actually part of the programme you're watching.
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By Andy B
It's not the first live advert. In days gone by most adverts were shown live.
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By MK Chris
Well, whatever it was on, the adverts were annoying.
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By DevilsDuck
They have taped a back up just incase the weather is crap, this now means that it might not even be live and we wont know if it is live unless it all goes horbily wrong

ill wait and find out if it all goes wrong before I care.

I mean the car infront is a Toyota anyway!
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By Zoot
Did anyone see it? It was very clever actually, Sky divers jumping from a plane and forming the letters to make the word 'Honda', all completely live.
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By Yudster
It was clever, but I'm still not going to base a car-buying decision on it. Or any other advert.