Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By pjordan2000
I think this has got to be the only place that a conversation can go from the immorality and illegility of feeding live rats to snakes to offering Strawberry Cornettos in a matter of 5 posts! Quality :D
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By markool89
Yudster wrote:
Andy B wrote:Meh I was just jumping on the bandwagon....

I still don't find what's so bad about feeding a snake live animals unless (as I said up there) he was overfeeding the snake or doing it just for the sheer pleasure of killing the rats.

Snakes EAT live food.

In principle you are right - but the fact is that it is illegal in this country to feed live birds or mammals to reptiles or any other captive or domestic animal. Its ok to feed live invertebrates.

And also, markool made it very clear that his motivation wasn't the wellbeing of the snake it was the pleasure he got from watchin it kill the rat. Although of course he was lying about the whole thing. Apparently.

I dont have a snake. And even if i did, i would give it live rats/mice to give it the satisfaction of the "wild animal" instinct that it naturally has, not for enjoyment on my part.
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By foot-loose
Then you shouldn't have said:
markool89 wrote:i have a few snakes. i love how they eat mice! im properaly gonna get an ear-bashing for this, but i put live rats in, and dont feed them. then let nature take its course..... am i twisted?!!

I hope, if anything, that this forum has taught you a little bit about life. And how people judge on just a few things.
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By MK Chris
It's taught us a few things as well you cretinous little scumbag.
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By Yudster
markool89 wrote:Hmm yes it has taught me a few things.

I wish you'd learn to * off.