Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Bruvva
As I've mentioned before, I'll be doing a half marathon ( this October on behalf of Macmillan Cancer Support - a charity that improves the lives of people affected by cancer. I'm trying to raise £375 and It'd be ace if people on here could throw a couple of quid in my direction.

Anyway, click on teh linky to sponsor me :

Oh, and here's Macmillan's website if you want to read about them

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By Vivienne
I shall sponsor you £10.00 on Friday, 27th June. :-)
By Thechinesebullet
What about me eh! :D

I am doing the BUPA Great North Run 2008 in October for Great Ormond Street, any sponsorship is welcome at

I am doin 4 runs this year, I have completed one race the BUPA London 10,000 - 10km in 50mins and 1sec

This i feel is just as worthy as Macmillan Cancer Support, Go on dig deep!

Dan x
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By Vivienne
I shall sponsor you £5.00 one week on Friday.
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By DevilsDuck
Bruvva, I will sponsor you, but im not going to sponsor every tom, dick and dan that turns up!
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By Vivienne
That's my caffeine allowance gone.
By Ezza
I would sponsor you Bruvva, but I don't have a debit/credit card. :) I could post you my money if you want.
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By Console
That's right, because posting on a forum you've never posted on before asking for money would never be considered spamming.
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By Vivienne
Is this really considered "spamming", Cons.?
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By Zoot
Ah, so sarcasm DOES work on the internet...
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By Vivienne
I think I hate Console sometimes. It never lasts though.
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By Zoot
Vivienne wrote:I think I hate Console sometimes. It never lasts though.

well you hide it well
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By Yudster
Vivienne wrote:Is this really considered "spamming", Cons.?

Bruvva isn't spamming, he is a long standing member here, he hasn't just come to ask for money - but if he went to random forums purely to ask for sponsorship, that would be. I'm not sure if that's what the bullett person is doing or not, I don't get the impression thats the only reason s/he is here, so probably not.
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By MK Chris
Yudster wrote:I'm not sure if that's what the bullett person is doing or not, I don't get the impression thats the only reason s/he is here, so probably not.

Yeah, but even so, it's a bit cheeky to ask for money when you've just joined, even if that wasn't the reason for joining.
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By Console
Yudster wrote:I'm not sure if that's what the bullett person is doing or not, I don't get the impression thats the only reason s/he is here, so probably not.

He's also posted, requesting sponsorship, in a thread about sponsoring, so he at least has the virtue of being on topic.
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By Yudster
Not around here!
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By Vivienne
It's crazy though, that staying on topic is now a "virtue" along with patience, charity, etc. Virtue is now cyber.
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By DevilsDuck
I think Console was trying to point out that some people do have morals on the internet and dont just post random toss in any old thread
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By Vivienne
hmm. you won't find many in this place.
By Thechinesebullet
I have been meaning to join but never got round to it, but i eint forcing you to sponsor me, its all down 2 u.
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By Yudster
Either way, congratulations on all the runs and stuff, and good luck in the GNR.
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