Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Zoot
Yudster wrote:Either way, congratulations on all the runs and stuff, and good luck in the GNR.

You're joining Guns n Roses???
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By Yudster
That would be GnR you silly robot.
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By MK Chris
Yudster wrote:good luck in the GNR.

Would anyone sponsor me to go on a GNER?
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By DevilsDuck
Yudster wrote:Either way, congratulations on all the runs and stuff, and good luck in the GNR.

yeah good luck in the Great Northern Railway!
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Nice one, Bruvva - how much training are you doing for it?
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By Zoot
Topher wrote:
Yudster wrote:good luck in the GNR.

Would anyone sponsor me to go on a GNER?

I'd sponsor you to go on a GNU
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By DevilsDuck
Topher wrote:
Yudster wrote:good luck in the GNR.

Would anyone sponsor me to go on a GNER?

DevilsDuck wrote:
Yudster wrote:Either way, congratulations on all the runs and stuff, and good luck in the GNR.

yeah good luck in the Great Northern Railway!

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By MK Chris
Zoot wrote:
Topher wrote:
Yudster wrote:good luck in the GNR.

Would anyone sponsor me to go on a GNER?

I'd sponsor you to go on a GNU

A ganother gnu?

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By Yudster
You boys are so easily entertained.
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By DevilsDuck
which is very lucky for you ladies....*refrains from further comments as is happy with his knackers where they*
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By DevilsDuck

i give up today

I cant even speak at the moment, must be something in the water!
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By Vivienne
What are those? Is it a bit of a "not-secure" site?
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By Chris
Chris wrote:Image

I'd personally like to mention (as it isn't usually known) that is not a charity organisation and they take 5% of your donation as a fee, plus between 14 and 25 pence for the card transaction. If there is any way for you to donate in person or by post then the charity will retain more of your money.

This means, for example, that they made more then £10,000 from Richard Hammonds accident.
By Thechinesebullet
Chris wrote:
Chris wrote:Image

I'd personally like to mention (as it isn't usually known) that is not a charity organisation and they take 5% of your donation as a fee, plus between 14 and 25 pence for the card transaction. If there is any way for you to donate in person or by post then the charity will retain more of your money.

This means, for example, that they made more then £10,000 from Richard Hammonds accident.

Oh christ i was not even aware of that, but even if they take 5% its only £3.60, of the money i have raised through JustGiving compared to the £1044.60 that i have raised in person through my school and personal sponsorships, but still Just Giving is providing me with a service, but then again it is a bit cheeky taking 5% from actual charity money.
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By Yudster
Surely if you use JustGiving to set up a donations/sponsorship page, somewhere in the process of doing so you would be informed of the site and transaction fees? If not, it's a disgrace - and surely illegal?
By Thechinesebullet
Yudster wrote:Surely if you use JustGiving to set up a donations/sponsorship page, somewhere in the process of doing so you would be informed of the site and transaction fees? If not, it's a disgrace - and surely illegal?

Possibly but i cant be bothered to look into it, well at least it is not my main source of sponsorship as if it was and the £1044.60 was on the website i would lose £104.60, well something like that!
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By Yudster
I reckon it must be in one of those "click here to say you have read our terms and conditions" things which no-one ever actually reads. It's a licence to print money really - and bearing in mind that its money which has been donated in good faith to a charity, it's pretty poor. I realise that you don't mind as the sums involved are fairly small, but the people who actually made those donations could legitimately feel a bit miffed, knowing that a significant percentage of the money they thought was going to your charity is going into some blokes pocket instead!

Thanks for the heads up Chris (I missed it before) - I won't be using them.
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By MK Chris
I agree Yudster, it's an immoral and unethical way of running a business. If they publicised that fact better (to the donor as well as the fundraiser), then that would be different because people could make an informed choice.
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By Chris
They argue that allowing people to donate with credit cards and anonymously increases the overall money the charities receive, therefore they are providing a benefit (and I'm sure they do indeed have costs to cover - but they are for profit, not non-profit).

I just encourage people not to use it if at all possible.

Someone should set up a charity that does exactly the same thing. *Just* giving, not *some give, some take*.
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By S4B
Bruvva, I will sponsor you when I see you on Tuesday but I'm not giving you the money till you complete the course!

**Knows her money is safe**

Isn't Rachel doing this run too? Does she have a Justgiving site so they can steal our cash from that too?
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By MK Chris
Chris wrote:They argue that allowing people to donate with credit cards and anonymously increases the overall money the charities receive, therefore they are providing a benefit

It doesn't matter, they should make people aware of their stance and how they make money.
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