Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Bruvva
My word, people charging for providing a service, what IS the world coming to?

The charities don't have a problem with what they do, Macmillan even gave me a link to them, so I don't see why everyone's getting their knickers in a twist about it.
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By Yudster
Bruvva wrote:My word, people charging for providing a service, what IS the world coming to?

The charities don't have a problem with what they do, Macmillan even gave me a link to them, so I don't see why everyone's getting their knickers in a twist about it.

Good, I'm glad the charities don't mind - however if I give money to a charity, thats where I want it to go, so as a potential donor/sponsor, I DO mind!

I'll send you a cheque!
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By S4B
Oooh everyone should send him a cheque, he has no idea how to pay it to Macmillan if it's not donated via the website!
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By Bruvva
No. I have no idea how to pay a cheque in.

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By S4B
You said you had no idea what to do with anything not donated via the website! Don't start on me now! I'm not in the mood!
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By Vivienne
Bruvva! I sponsored you this morning! :-)
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By Bruvva
Yes, I just noticed, thanks :)

And thank you Tial as well.
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By Bruvva
Oh, and sorry to bang this drum again but

So a £10 donation sees the charity get nearly £12, just giving get their cash from claiming back from the government (this only happens if you click on the tax thingy when you donate). Yes, get some cash from the Gift Aid part of it but some of it gets passed back to the charity so they actually get more than you donated.
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By Vivienne
I don't really understand it. It cost me £12.82 altogether, which is fine.
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By Vivienne
O Boboff! Maybe some day someone in your family may have Cancer, and you will view things differently.
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By Boboff
I have lost 2 Grandparents to Cancer in the last 2 years, I lost one grandfather when he was 56 to cancer, I have raised over £5000 for the Hospice he was in when he died. As I say charity begins at home.

Viv love, you really are a very stupid, naive, annoying TWAT.
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By Vivienne
No, love, I am NOT, thank you v. much. I just like to help all round where possible.

I have lost an aunt to Cancer and my gran to Cancer. I have helped there too. Very much so.
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By Vivienne
You can surely spare £2.00, which is the minimum. Give something up, and do something sensible.
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By Bruvva
Actually, I may have misread that page In linked to.

Ignore it.

Carry on.
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By Vivienne
Why don't you get Rachael to broadcast something nearer the time about what you're doing, if this is possible? What doesn't ask, doesn't get.
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By Yudster
Rachel is doing the run too I think - wouldn't there be issues with her not being allowed to use the BBC to ask for sponsorship/donations for a personal matter?
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By rustybike
Vivienne wrote:You can surely spare £2.00, which is the minimum. Give something up, and do something sensible.

I think boboff has done enough when it comes to chairty; £5000 is alot for a hospice. My mum used to work for the Martlets actually and that money would have gone a LONG LONG way. Well done boboff.
I totally agree with him as well, charity definitely begins at home. Don't get me wrong, alot of charities need help, and I do try, but you will never see me giving to everyone, especially ones that I have no connection to whatsoever. Usually, I give to animal charities and SOME cancer charities, but definitely ones I have relations to or feel strongly about. I lost my dad to bowel cancer when I was 10, my Aunt to breast cancer when I was 8, my nan had a lump removed a couple of years ago and I lost one of my favourite school teachers to breast cancer when I was 7 - so I've definitely had my fair share of losses and just because I don't always give to those related charities doesn't mean that I'm a bad person. I work hard for my bloody money, I'm certainly not going to give it all away to charity. That might make me sound selfish, but like boboff said - charity begins at home. Look after number 1 first.
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By Vivienne
You may correct, Yuds (above).

Re: Charity, Rusty: A person can never do enough. And yep, OK, a person must clearly look after their families first & foremost, yet look how much most of us waste on a daily basis. 20 texts less, just as an example, could quickly mean Bruvva receives £2.00 sponsorship!! It's quite simply really. I work bloody hard as well, but if you want to get something done, you'll do it.

I'm gonna ask some friends to help with Bruvva's sponsorship.
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By Vivienne
Sorry, that was meant to read, "you may be correct".
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By Vivienne
Incidentally, Rusty, from what I have heard about Boboff, £5K would be small change.
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By rustybike
Vivienne wrote:Incidentally, Rusty, from what I have heard about Boboff, £5K would be small change.

Viv! I don't really think it's our place to judge whats a good amount to give and what's not and I really don't think it's our place to say what's small change to some people and what's not to others. Even if you have heard otherwise, Boboff has gone to the trouble of raising some money for charity. Is that not good enough? Or do you expect that becuase 5k might be small change to boboff that you think he should put alot more in? Like you have ephasised in the past, anything towards charity is a great help.

I think that your comment was rather insensitive. I'd hate to try and put some change in your charity bucket; you'd probably count it before it went it.
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By Vivienne
Oh, for Heaven's sake, Rusty. OK, it was a good thing of BBoff to do for the CHARITY's sake .. but it's just I would be more impressed by a person genuinely doing something & struggling to give the money. BBoff always strikes me as particularly materialistic person, embittered by life. He seems to have forgotten how to recognise the good in the small things.

It is our place to do something to make changes in this World. We, after all, live in it.
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By Vivienne
rustybike wrote:[ I'd hate to try and put some change in your charity bucket; you'd probably count it before it went it.

And yes, indeed, I would be counting!! I have a little charity box I have for : the only animal charity I give to. I count every week to see how much is there.
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