Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Boboff
Crickey, I felt bad about abusing our Viv, as I have been assembling my new cement mixer, and I read this and think that I was very insightful.

Viv, £5,000 to me is £5,000, not 10p. We raised the money in the Pub over about 6 months, this included many sponsored events, Mrs B, did a solo parachute jump, which was a highlight.

I also ran an outside bar for free at a Hog Roast and Barn dance in aid of a childrens Hospital, with 1000 people and 8 staff that was hard work.

So you see even if I have more money than you, and have a nice house etc it doesn't matter, I don't give all my money to charity as I believe you should save and make a secure future for your wife and kids. You might even say that is this attitude which has meant I have a nice house. I don't and have never had expensive cars, Holidays, latest 70" flat screen tellies etc. I saved and invested and work my * tits off. My greatest sacrifice I can make is my time, as I don't think I'll run out of money, but we all run out of time. To this end I am treasurer of a new community learning centre and have just been appointed a school govenor. Both things are important to me, my family, and my local community ( which interestingly Rusty has a Donkey Sanctuary in it at St Annes Chapel)

The point I was making was that Charity and giving is about what is important to you, and your family. The "sponsor me" request from a bloke on a forum I personally do not agree with. I agree with Bruvva being a star in what he is doing but personally I think he is doing it for his reasons, which I know are good ones, he needs to raise money from friends and family, but I don't like the fact it's being asked of us. Not in a really bad way as I can choose not too. It just smacks of the Catherine Tate sketch with the Woman who comes into the office every day asking for sponsorship for something else, in that if one person on here decides to engage the help of others to support a charitable concern, it could get repetitive.

Anyway enough said, Viv if you spent 10 hours a week volunteering ( preferably somewhere without * internet access) I would be more impressed than just having less coffee, and not buying flowers ( hard up the bloke who tries to get into your nickers in this fashion)

Rusty, really sorry about your Dad, that sucks.
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By Vivienne
I wouldn't class it as bullying!! Sometimes you have to get in people's faces to get them to wake up!! Look at Bob Geldof and Live Aid. Without his particularly forceful personality, they would never have raised so much. Hell, he even challenged Margaret Thatcher at the time. My kind of guy.
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By Boboff
dirty, smelly, druggie, boy you sure know how to pick 'um

I think Maggies more my kind of girl !
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By Vivienne
The way into my knix, BBoff is via a bar of chocolate. :-)
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By Yudster
rustybike wrote:I don't think we're agreeing with you when you said:

Vivienne wrote:I'm gonna have less caffeine over the next 2 weeks, so I can sponsor. Stuff like that. Less texts, less coffee, a person then has some spare change...

As that is hardly an impressive act.

I'm not sure I would use the word "impressive" about any of this, as it's very judgemental, but actually I do find Viv's attitude of "well, if I want to sponsor Bruvva then I'll have to go without something so that I can afford to do it" completely admirable.

Beyond that, I am happy to leave people's charitable (or otherwise) activities to their own discretion, until such time as I am appointed World Arbiter Of What People Should Do With Their Money. Then I'll tell you.
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By Boboff
Vivienne wrote:The way into my knix, BBoff is via a bar of chocolate. :-)

Snickers for your knickers hey ?

How about some Puff for your Chuff?

crack for your...... well thats enough of what it takes to get into your love station.
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By Vivienne
I forgot: I'm not wearing any.
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By Chris
Bruvva wrote:Oh, and sorry to bang this drum again but

So a £10 donation sees the charity get nearly £12, just giving get their cash from claiming back from the government (this only happens if you click on the tax thingy when you donate). Yes, get some cash from the Gift Aid part of it but some of it gets passed back to the charity so they actually get more than you donated.

Charities can claim gift aid back on donations if the donator agrees anyway - and nobody takes any commission for that. That was all. Justgiving make money out of charity donations, plain and simple. If you don't mind that, then absolutely fine. For me I'd prefer someone to set up a non-profit or charity to do what justgiving does.
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By Sunny So Cal
Vivienne wrote:BBoff always strikes me as particularly materialistic person, embittered by life. He seems to have forgotten how to recognise the good in the small things.

Viv, less of the personal insults would be grand! I've seen photos of Boboff's children, wife, family, friends, animals, home and property he cares for and he seems quite capable of understanding the values intrinsic to life. Your remark above is petty and a sweeping statement based on your dislike of him. Not cool.
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By Sunny So Cal
boboff wrote:I love you !

Haha why thanks, bob.

charlalottie wrote:
Vivienne wrote:The way into my knix, BBoff is via a bar of chocolate. :-)

A milky way?

Nooooo. Let's not have that answered!
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By Sunny So Cal
I would by no way suspend any enjoyment you may garner from this knowledge but please, I beg you, spare the rest of us! Some things are just better left unknown. How would you sleep at night? You little sadist.
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By Sunny So Cal
Haha well I'm only 5 foot 4 inches so if you're smaller than me then you are a midget!
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By S4B
OI! I'm shorter than you Mrs So Cal! I am not a midget though!
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By Sunny So Cal
You are. Sorry. Everything below me is midget material ;)
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By Sunny So Cal
Not little sadist then. Just sadist. I stand corrected. I was referring more to age anyhow. Young sadist would have been more apt.
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By MK Chris
Nope, still little.

"I'm four foot and a fag end and you're four foot, so you're a midget and I'm not" doesn't wash.
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By Sunny So Cal
I'll have you know it was 5 foot and 4 fag ends, thank you very much. We're giantesses.
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By Vivienne
Don't forget to keep giving, people!!
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By Zoot
Vivienne wrote:Don't forget to keep giving, people!!

That was another 'Staff announcement' wasn't it?
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By Vivienne
Yeah! **bong, bong, bong** keep donating *bong, bong, bong*
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By MK Chris
Zoot wrote:
Vivienne wrote:Don't forget to keep giving, people!!

That was another 'Staff announcement' wasn't it?

I tend to think of train announcements when she does that 'bong bong' thing.. 'the train now at platform three is for London Euston only.'
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By Vivienne
You know you love me really! ;-)
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