The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By Vivienne
you're welcome! I'm good @ advice!! There's a foes option which you can add people too. I've got her on that, but I've been displaying them all today though!!
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By Yudster
But me and lima eel get on fine!
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By lima eel
Vivienne wrote:you're welcome! I'm good @ advice!! There's a foes option which you can add people too. I've got her on that, but I've been displaying them all today though!!

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By lima eel
Yudster wrote:But me and lima eel get on fine!

this is nice to know, as i have low self esteem!
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By Yudster
Munki Bhoy wrote:Wow that was a thread fight out of nothing.

You're beginning to get Viv then?
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By Yudster
Yeh, quite a double act!
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By Munki Bhoy
You do know I'm picturing some kind of Buffy style fight between the two of you? It's that avatar, yuds, must be. Since I can't work out who Viv's is. Maybe that's Viv herself.
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By Vivienne
Munki Bhoy wrote:You do know I'm picturing some kind of Buffy style fight between the two of you? It's that avatar, yuds, must be. Since I can't work out who Viv's is. Maybe that's Viv herself.

It does actually look quite like me. :-)
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By S4B
Console wrote:Viv's avatar is Eliza Dushku (Faith from BtVS).

CONSOLE! You abbreviated unnecessarily! BAD BOY!

Nice thread fight girls. I think Yuds won
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By Zoot
I still reckon the avatar looks like Gillian Anderson. You look NOTHING like Gillian Anderson.
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By Console
S4B wrote:
Console wrote:Viv's avatar is Eliza Dushku (Faith from BtVS).

CONSOLE! You abbreviated unnecessarily

Actually, it was necessary (for small values of necessary). My phone started ringing just after I typed 'Faith', so I quickly finished the post and picked up the phone.
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By Munki Bhoy
I'm not sure it looks all that much like Eliza Dushku to be honest! Maybe that's just me.

Still, I always preferred Cordelia.
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By S4B
Console wrote:
S4B wrote:
Console wrote:Viv's avatar is Eliza Dushku (Faith from BtVS).

CONSOLE! You abbreviated unnecessarily

Actually, it was necessary (for small values of necessary). My phone started ringing just after I typed 'Faith', so I quickly finished the post and picked up the phone.

Hmm.......... Can you not type and talk?

Ok guess I forgive you
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By MK Chris
That must be a relief, Console.
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By MK Chris
I have been in a right sarcastic mood today.

Some people have taken it seriously though.
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By MK Chris
On this occasion that made it funnier (for me anyway.)
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By DevilsDuck
Munki Bhoy wrote:Sarcasm works really well over the internet.

love it

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By Yudster
S4B wrote:Nice thread fight girls. I think Yuds won

1) I still don't think it was a fight.
2) Don't call me "girl".......!!!!!!! Unless you want a smack.
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