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By Vivienne
Do any of you have any appliances that help encourage you to take more exercise? :-)

I've just invested in a pedometer (a little gadget which you attach preferably to a belt around your waist). You start to move, and the appliance counts steps .. you can use it whilst running too, or bopping. It's absolutely FABULOUS, and I strongly recommend it. Once you see how much activity you are doing, it makes you more keen to do even more! :-)

Do any of you have anything which encourages you to take more exercise?
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By DevilsDuck
I got one free with some cornflakes once, I wouldnt buy one though as they mean very little if you're happy with your weight and exercise regime.

The thing that encourages me to do more exercise is being competitive.

play badminton atleast once a week and I ride my bike to work most days, I used to go running quite a lot and run a particular circuit and try to beat my times each time I ran it.
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By Bruvva
Just got my self a nike sports band - you put a sensor in your shoe and wear the band round your wrist. It works out how far you've run/walked, how many calories you've burned and how fast you went. You then plug the band into your computer and upload it to the website so it keeps track of your exercise. You can also challenge other people to "virtual races" as well, who can do the fastest 5km, who did the most miles in a week. It's very clever and only really has one flaw, if you don't have nike trainers, you need to get something to clip the sensor to your laces for it to work properly. Other than that, I think it's great.
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By Vivienne
Hmmm... how much are these?

I'm also considering a "waist" machine of some kind (can't remember the name). You stand on it, and rotate from side to side, and it counts calories. It costs £10.00.
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By Bruvva
They're £40 Viv. Not cheap but if you take into consideration that you're using all the facilities on the website, it's not that bad.

Also, there are certain mobile phones that can do it as well. The N95, N82 and maybe some others have free software that will act as a pedometer or even track your run using gps. My N95 does that but, to be honest, I find running with my phone strapped to my arm uncomfortable.
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By Vivienne
£40... I think I will just stick to my Pedometer. Re: the strap thing, I don't like it either. I just go out with the pedometer.

Plus re: the Nike Bands, I don't think I could easily get a grip of the computer side of things.
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By MK Chris
DevilsDuck wrote:The thing that encourages me to do more exercise is being competitive.

That's the same with me actually, I'm always trying to better myself.
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By Bruvva
Topher wrote:
DevilsDuck wrote:The thing that encourages me to do more exercise is being competitive.

That's the same with me actually, I'm always trying to better myself.

I read that as "batter" initially. Made me think table tennis had changed a bit...
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By MK Chris
Ha, well, I did get annoyed with myself in one game last season and smack myself on the forehead with the edge of the bat. Made it bleed and had a lump for a few days afterwards.
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By SpaceBoy
Pedometers are a great gadget if you use them properly and don't trick them by tampering them to get the count higher to look like you have done more exercise/steps than you actually have, Some may be fooled by the numbers but not many will be fooled by the Michelin Man/Woman look. Remember a moment on the lips a lifetime on the arse! I think any one who decides to better themselves deserves credit, a guy I know lost 3 stone in a month or so and I did not recognise him when I last seen him, he looked all the better for it! I would love nothing more to lose the weight but it is difficult when you are traveling all over the country and you have the choice of takeaway or pub/restaurant food. Portion control tends to go out the window but I found that by pouring loads of salt on the remaining food you can not manage you make a decision not to eat any more and put a block in the way.
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By MK Chris
Like I'm going to read all through that. The more of your posts that I read, the more I realise Yudster is right about you. Not that it was ever in doubt.
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By Munki Bhoy
You definitely can't beat competitive sports. I've got Wii Fit in the house which is a good bit of fun but most of it is solo stuff. Still, you can't beat getting it right up the girlfriend when you beat her score in the hula hoop game!

I've tried other things on my own. I last about 6 weeks at the gym before I got bored. I've a rowing machine in the house I haven't used. I don't even like going running.

I much prefer it when I get together with some folk from work, or from uni or more often a combination of the two. We play five a side football twice a week, we've also started playing tennis and badminton alternate weeks. We even went hill walking a few weeks ago!

Not that I can get rid of my belly mind you, even doing all of that! I think I've come the conclusion that I'm fit, healthy and the right weight. Wii Fit can't make up its mind whether I'm a good or a bad weight. It fluctuates around the line where it changes from fine to overweight.
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By MK Chris
Munki Bhoy wrote:you can't beat getting it right up the girlfriend


...too easy.
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By Zoot
Munki Bhoy wrote: Still, you can't beat getting it right up the girlfriend...

yep, I agree.
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By Munki Bhoy
Yeah, even as I was typing it I was thinking it was way too easy for anyone to step up and take. I underestimated how much people like easy then!
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By Nicola_Red
Munki Bhoy wrote:. I've got Wii Fit in the house which is a good bit of fun but most of it is solo stuff. Wii Fit can't make up its mind whether I'm a good or a bad weight. It fluctuates around the line where it changes from fine to overweight.

I have Wii Fit too and use it most days, I'm not a person for competitive sports and I'm limited in what I can do cos of the fact that I lost the use of my left knee - it's really good in that you can pick which exercises you do so I can miss out the ones that I know I can't do (rather than stand about humming while they do them in an exercise vid). But I agree that it's not the most accurate measurer of weight - four days ago I had lost 2lb, yesterday I had gained them back plus another one! I know there are factors that can affect your weight, but I'm not sure if it's actually possible to lose and gain that fast. Still, I do like it.
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By MK Chris
Munki Bhoy wrote:I underestimated how much people like easy then!

Why do you think S4B sticks around?
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By Munki Bhoy
You're better off checking the relative trend of your weight as opposed to individual measurements if you're trying to lose weight. Or if you really insist on weighing yourself every day (which you shouldn't by Wii Fit seems to like it if you weigh yourself at the same time each day) do it at the same time and take an average for the week.
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By S4B
Topher wrote:
Munki Bhoy wrote:I underestimated how much people like easy then!

Why do you think S4B sticks around?

Aww Toph you know me too well!
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