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By Yudster
I don't know what a Dreamweaver course is, but from the name it sounds like it would suit Viv down to the ground.

Anyway, seeking education is always a good thing, hope it goes well Viv.
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By DevilsDuck
Its really really easy to use

I havent used it much, but it came in a package with fireworks and I like fireworks more than photoshop
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By Console
Yudster wrote:I don't know what a Dreamweaver course is

Dreamweaver is a standards compliant, WYSIWYG HTML editor (a bit like MS Word, but for the web), that incorporates the ability to handles javascript, applets and server-side scripting. It's generally considered to be one of the top graphical HTML editors.
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By MK Chris
I don't like WYSIWYG editors anyway. It's much better to be able to say you've done it yourself.
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By Console
Hand-written code is always better (and in my experience, quicker to write), but people have to start somewhere, and applications like Dreamweaver (and to a far lesser extent, MS FrontPage (or whatever they've renamed it to now)) help people create their first HTML code without much hassle, and allows them to edit the HTML manually if they wish at a later point.
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By DevilsDuck
It depends what you want to do really.

When I was first teaching myself how to write HTML I did a greenday website totally in note pad and it was good to do, but I dont have the skills to be able to make my webpages look as good as I can in dreamweaver.
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By MK Chris
I can't make web pages look good full stop.. I need someone to tell me how it should look and if their idea is good, then I can make it look good, but I don't tend to have that luxury.
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By DevilsDuck
Im a designer more than a developer

Learnt most of what I know off my brother, he used to work for an Internet design and marketing company and now runs his own business doing it

funny thing is, his website has been under construction for about six months as he always to busy doing other peoples websites rather than doing his own
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By Vivienne
Console wrote:
DevilsDuck wrote:oh my god, please say it isn't

Isn't what? A general internet course or a Dreamweaver course?

I'm going on a general "Build Your Own Website Course" : the purpose is to teach:-

1. Business people how to build a website for their own business, or
2. Understanding the Internet, and how it works a lot more, or
3. For people like me, who would like to do something different: i.e. help other people build websites. This is the plan. :-)
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By kendra k
I took a course like that for library school and it was painfully boring. I got points off the first week for "active linking" before we learned the <a> tag. I thought it was going to be some CSS stuff, but they wanted us to learn frames. Blech.

Dreamweaver's an ok programme, but too many designers rely on it and have no idea what the HTML code looks like. The code Dreamweaver spits out isn't the most elegant either, and it broke some of my CSS which I knew worked. I tried to make a website with it for work but ended up doing it by hand. Now I'm looking to redo the whole thing with Drupal.