Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By Ryyy
First time poster here.
Cool site you got going on.
Anywho, any chance you could get me a downloadable clip of the song (6th November, 2hrs into show?).
Would sound cool on the mobile, and would start some laughs at Uni.
Cheers x
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By nade
Hi, i've clipped it from the start of the show as it seemed the cleanest copy I could find:

EDIT: Found a cleaner version later in the show so uploaded another copy.
Last edited by nade on Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
By helen-knits
I think Chris said when he first introduced the song to air, but does anyone know what the original piece of music is? My hubby thinks its Beach Boys, but I'm not convinced... Cheers! Helen
By chud
Hi all, first post on here but long time Moyles fan since back in the Early Breakfast days around '98 (I was even an on-air caller once back then).

Was working on this this morning whilst listening to Chris as I was convinced he messes up in his recorded version. It also inspired me to play the full Kasabian back catalogue and to look into when the new album is out. I hope the spacing translates ok (I've split it into syllables): *EDIT: No, the spacing is taken out (and tabbing would make the lines spill over too much)*

L.S.F. (Lost Souls Forever)

(Ta ta ta)

I'm on it, get on it, the troops are on fire,
Ba- rack O-, ba- ma Ba-, rack O- ba- ma Ba-rack,

you know I need it, much closer, I'm treading just a little more,
O- ba- ma Ba- rack, O- ba-ma, Ba- rack-O- ba- ma Ba-rack O-,

step on it, 'lectronic, the troops are on fire,
ba- ma Ba-, rack-O-ba-, ma Ba- rack O- ba-ma,

I'm much deeper, asleep'er, waiting for the final trip.
Ba- rack O-ba-, ma-Ba-rack, O-ba- ma Ba- rack-O- ba-.


Come on it, get on it, I'm carving through a letter bomb,
ma Ba- rack, O- ba- ma, Ba- rack-O- ba- ma Ba-rack O-,

I need it, la potions, these drugs are just an hour away,
ba- ma Ba-, rack O-ba-, ma Ba- rack O- ba- ma Ba-rack,

come on it, 'lectronic, a polyphonic prostitute,
O- ba- ma, Ba-rack-O-, ba- ma-Ba-rack-O- ba-ma-Ba-,

the mourners on fire, Messiah for the animals.
rack O-ba- ma Ba-rack, O-ba-ma Ba- rack O-ba-ma.


I, oh come on, we've got our backs to the wall,
(oh) get on, and watch out, said, you're gonna kill us all.


(first verse - except (oh) at start and last line: replace 'waiting for the final trip' with 'Messiah for the animals')


I, oh come on, said, we've got our backs to the wall,
get on, and watch out, (oh) before you kill us all.

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By nade
Winatron wrote:Has anyone got the song without chris's voice at the start?
I've been trying to hear one but never heard one without any talking or laughing over it i'm afraid.