Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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By Johnny 1989
jamiec21 wrote:Mark _ Lard - 16th April 2003


Thanks for these JamieC21 :D These are highly appreciated. Those two links are great, M&L liking the Cheeky Girls was funny as was The Goat Story, I remember reading about that in The Metro :lol:
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By Johnny 1989
jamiec21 wrote:17th April 2003

Lard's Classic Cuts - Happiness

Lard's Classic Cuts - Mull Of Kintyre

Bloody hell, I've got work tomorrow,

Ah screw it, who needs sleep anyway :lol:

Thanks for these JamieC21, these will be great to listen to on me way up to watch Arsenal lose at Middlesbrough on Saturday (well Arsenal are all over the place at the mo :( :lol:)
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By Johnny 1989
JamieC21, thank you again for these, these have been brilliant to listen to, my favourite part so far has been the stupid lyrics one about someone leaving cake out in the rain :lol:

If anyone hasn't downloaded I recommend you do, especially if you like random wacky humour like me :D
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