Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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By Johnny 1989
As I've said in the Afternoon & Early Bits threads I intend on editing & uploading the files during the Christmas period.

However I was wondering if anyone was interested in any of the Breakfast Shows from around 2005-2006. IIRC I have one of the New York shows (The first one) & at least one Germany 2006 World Cup show. I also have the show after Chris got kicked off The X Factor as well.

Anyone interested in these? If so I can get them copied & uploaded & sent to Chris, if indeed he'd like these. I should warn however in advance that in some of them the sound may drop out for a second or two as, and unknown to me, the Mini Disc I was using at the time was playing up at random times, but hopefully it's just music affected, if any of them are affected.
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By Johnny 1989
J.E.D wrote:The one after x factor looks good and Do you have the first breakfast show?


Yep I do, the sound does drop out twice, from the first hour & a bit I listened to a few weeks back but thankfully both times during a song so no real loss there then. I might try & copy that one over tomorrow.

Oddly enough it's interesting to hear how different the Breakfast Show was back then, even in 2005, compared to today's version, they really have evolved alot since then.
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