Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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By Johnny 1989
I was going to try & attempt it but because I only have one Mini Disc player/recorder that still works I really didn't want to risk burning it out, especially before I've copied everything over.

However, the next best thing, they are doing monthly podcasts all day today (so far up to July 2008)

Hope that helps :D
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By foot-loose
I thought this whole show was going to be available as one big sod off podcast?

Or lots of little ones.
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By Johnny 1989
foot-loose wrote:I thought this whole show was going to be available as one big sod off podcast?

Or lots of little ones.

Well I haven't listened to them yet but I believe they have done one for each month as per the link above? :?
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By Johnny 1989
To add, they seem to be putting the whole show up as "listen again" on the Radio 1 website, hmm, if I get tiem I may copy the whole thing over during the next few days.

I'll see what I can do, but I can't promise anything to be honest, it depends on whether or not I have the time to do it :)
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By Munki Bhoy
I may have to give the recording thing a go at done point in the next week then since I didn't even wake up til after 1!
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By Johnny 1989
foot-loose wrote:Ah, so basically I just repeated what you had already said.

Great minds and all that. 8)

:lol: to be fair I haven't listened to any of them yet so I'm only guessing :)

Munki Bhoy wrote:I may have to give the recording thing a go at done point in the next week then since I didn't even wake up til after 1!

You lazy bugger ;) :lol: Well good luck to you that's all I can say, I'm going to give it a go (may tape Parts 1 & 2 soonish) but it's going to be a struggle, 12 bloody hours and all that 8O

I wonder if anyone taped the massive 27 or so hours marathon that Simon Mayo did a few years back, then again Mini Discs & online listening wasn't as common back then, was it?
By darrer
Does anyone have the links to download it like the ones that are put up for Monday - Friday's show?

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Ahh its great listening to that momentous great opening jingle from 2004 again, infact, it's actually quite moving. I caught the end aswell tonight just before 7pm, they played some of the best CPC moments. :)

Couldn't possibly listen live this morning, though. Absolutely trolleyed.
By darrer
The podcasts are just highlights of 2008. His all day show included highlights from the last 5 years which I would like to listen to again
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By Munki Bhoy
I've got the whole thing now (music and all), 30 minutes worth of playing about with the iPlayer Downloader. It's about 660Mb worth once you've got all four bits. I'm sure it could be trimmed to get rid of the music if you really wanted.
By wireman2004
the live show were best bits of 2008. They have just took the music out of the podcast. The podcast are as live without the music. The past bits from like the euro's and the world cup are like montages.
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By Johnny 1989
I was going to ask, is anyone going to edit the music out of the show & post the four parts (links only) on here at all please?

I haven't got round to taping this lot via Audacity yet & unfortunately don't have enough time to do so now sadly :(

Any assistance greatly appreciated :D
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By Munki Bhoy
I'm told the 12 podcasts are just what you're looking for Johnny 1989. I've downloaded them but haven't got round to listening to them. I'm still finishing listening to the listen again ones I downloaded!
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By Johnny 1989
Munki Bhoy wrote:I'm told the 12 podcasts are just what you're looking for Johnny 1989. I've downloaded them but haven't got round to listening to them. I'm still finishing listening to the listen again ones I downloaded!

Apparently the Podcasts only have 2008 material whereas the show has stuff from 2004-2008. Is there a way to download those without having to play them & taping them?

I know someone put a link up on one of the other threads but when I downloaded the show in question it developed a big sound fault.
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