Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Bruvva
Can you get oinkment for it?

Is making puns about a pandemic a bit near the knuckle? Do you have to draw a loin somewhere?
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By Andy B
See when I first glanced at this I thought it said Swine Flu Man Dem. I thought you were starting a new London Gang and wanted us to be in it. Foots could be our ruby.

I'm sure it's not that serious anyway. Snout to worry about.
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By Zoot
You're all off your trotters you guys.
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By Bruvva
Some of these puns are a bit ham fisted.
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By Zoot
Bruvva wrote:Some of these puns are a bit ham fisted.

There snout need to be so sow faced about it Bruv, you started the thread so don't pork your finger at us!
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By Bruvva
Stop swining. You know they're offal.
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By Zoot
Stop hogging all the best puns Bruv
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By Bruvva
No, I'm going to grab them all and leave you with nothing, not a sausage.
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By Yudster
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By MK Chris
Some of these puns are crackling.
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By Zoot
Tusk tusk, I didn't think i'd Suidae when you were such a selfish boar
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By Boboff
I would play, but I could knock the Gloucester Old Spots off of these Puns. You all seem to Kune Kune to play the Durox, well except for Yuds, she's a Babe.
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By Yudster
Boboff wins. Hams down.
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By Zoot
I can't decide who's better out of Boboff and Bruvva. I'm such a piggy in the middle.
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By Yudster
Boboff is the silk purse that you can't make out of the Bruvva sow's ear.
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By Yudster
No more to offer? Come on people, chop chop.
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By Zoot
I fear I have nothing else left thats up to scratch(ings)
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By Bruvva
I think we've gone the whole hog and have nothing more to offer.

I'll go and watch for updates on Sty News.
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By Yudster
You just want to wallow in the tabloid style misery and stick your face in the trough of sensationalist reporting.
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By Bruvva
Shame it's not horse flu...Then I could say that the End is Neigh.
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By Zoot
Or fish flu, the Foot-loose would be in his halibut
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By Munki Bhoy
Every flu I ever get is swine flu to me. Most folk lose their appetite when they're ill. Not me, I eat like a pig.

That's not a pun, just a fact.
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By MK Chris
I've never had flu in my life.