- Fri May 08, 2009 8:44 am
EMF are from the Forest of Dean, not far from Monmouth. Monmouth is on the border of England and Wales, which mustn't be confused with Whales, which are giant sea mammals. The biggest Whale is the Blue Whale, which is called blue even though it's a kind of dark grey colour. Other colours in the spectrum include Red, Green, Orange and Purple, and lots of colours can be heard in the theatre show 'Joseph and his technicolour dreamcoat', which probably has made lots of money for Andrew Lloyd Webber, who is very rich. Another very rich person would be a Sultan, and if the Sultan owned a Childrens Playground which was losing him all his money you could say he was a 'Sultan of Swings' in Dire Straits, which leads us to Sultan of Swing by Dire Straits.
Link to 'Sound of the underground' by Girls Aloud
foot-loose wrote: you really can be quite gay sometimes Toph