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By English Bob
So...after a loooong time of doing little exercise, I'm finally getting back into my running again. I live right next to a park, so I have no excuses to go running in it really. Anyways, I'm finding it VERY tough going, which might be evidence of how unfit I am! I was wondering if anyone on here is a keen runner, and how long does it take before I can run for a bit without getting out of breath disturbingly quickly? does irk me a bit when Moyles announces on the show he 'went for a five-mile run' without mentioning the treadmill part :P Slight difference between running on a treadmill and on solid ground Chris!
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By MK Chris
When I can afford running shoes I'm starting to run as well.

Good luck.
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By Yudster
So is running five miles outdoors harder than running five miles on a treadmill? I used to run a lot, but not on a treadmill - every time I've tried a treadmill I get shin splints and sore knees.
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Rather you than me. Best of luck!
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By Console
Yudster wrote:So is running five miles outdoors harder than running five miles on a treadmill? I used to run a lot, but not on a treadmill - every time I've tried a treadmill I get shin splints and sore knees.

I've found that when running on a treadmill it's a lot easier to give up, whereas when you're outside you're generally quite far away from home so there's not as much temptation to give up. It's also colder outside, which I particularly like when running as it's stops me from overheating.
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By English Bob
The surfaces you run on outside are different too. Running on a treadmill, you run on the rubbery conveyor belt. Outside, you run on pavement, grass, gravel, mud, etc etc.

I definitely notice a difference when I run on streets and then run on a grassy park. Hurts your legs more running on grass due to the uneven surface :)
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By Bruvva
Running on a treadmill is a completely different kettle of fish to running outside. For one thing, your running style will be totally different as people tend to take shorter strides on a treadmill than they do outdoors (due to the psychological effect of there usually being a barrier in front of you) and as your foot and ankle become part of the belt (kind of) when they land and move behind you, your legs won't have the same range of motion as they would if running on a road. As to whether it's easier or not, a lot of people think it is. Personally I find it dull as 90% of the time treadmills are facing a wall, which is uninspiring, or a mirror which just gets upsetting as you see yourself getting red faced and sweaty which ruins the mental image you have of yourself bounding along like a graceful gazelle!

I found the mixes on this site useful : You do each one 3 times a week, the goal being able to go 30 minutes without stopping at the end of 10 weeks.
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By Munki Bhoy
Balls, that's about 15K shorter than I need it to be.
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By English Bob
Well I've been running regularly for almost two months now, and I've definitely noticed a difference! As I've been going so long without exercise (three years as a uni student didn't help :P) it was VERY difficult to start with. I could run embarrassingly short distances before running out of breath. This past month though, I've been able to run further, and for longer without stopping to get my breath back. My physique is getting better too! Excess flab is becoming muscle, and I feel better after running too!

All in all, getting back into running was definitely a good decision, and I'd recommend it to anyone!
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By jocky85
Good suggestion Bob, something I need to start doing, got a bridesmaid dress to fit into in just over 3 months!
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Sodding running. Blame Voldermort for this, I may have to bin her off Twitter, everyday its "Today I might go for a run"

No * way V**? Really????
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By Zoot
SAV1OUR wrote:Sodding running. Blame Voldermort for this, I may have to bin her off Twitter, everyday its "Today I might go for a run"

No * way V**? Really????

Well you're privileged, I think she's blocked nearly everyone else on here.
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By MK Chris
She always had a soft spot for him.
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By Yudster
How can I tell if she's blocked me?
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By Zoot
Yudster wrote:How can I tell if she's blocked me?

Try to follow her and it'll say.
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By Yudster
Oh. No, you're fine thanks!
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By Nicola_Red
My flatmate and I have just started running too - I decided to give it a go about 6wks ago but had to wait til I could afford the shoes and sports bra! I was worried about my dodgy knee but so far it's been fine, although I am another one who's ridiculously unfit. I bought a really good book called Running Made Easy, loads of useful advice and stuff in there.
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By pjordan2000
I've just started running again too, and have got a 10k run at Leed's Castle in September for Cancer Research UK. Did it a few years ago in 53 mins and want to beat my time.
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