Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Ed Pummelon
Clever line from Steven Moffat: "A generation of little girls will want to be her. And a generation of little boys will want them to be her too". Smart guy.
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By Yudster
Well, after the blonde, the black girl and the well-known older woman and (in the special) a brunette nearly-famous-almost-sex-symbol, an unknown child-like redhead was pretty inevitable really. Good, she looks lovely.
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By Kaiser Chef
When I read that she was 21 I was hoping she would be attractive (politely put), she certainly is!
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If Billie Piper was meant to be the girl next door, then this is the girl in the next room, talk about Britain having talent!! * yes, ooh yes indeed please.

*It brought to my attention that Ed posted an even betterer pic than mine, and I have indeed been trounced. Well Googled Ed. :P
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By Johnny 1989
I don't think people have to worry anymore, as to whether or not the gap year will "damage" the show, the new companion will make me tune back in (then again Peri is one of the main reasons to watch the excellent Sixth Doctor stories over & over again) ;)
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By Johnny 1989
Johnny 1989 wrote:I don't think people have to worry anymore, as to whether or not the gap year will "damage" the show, the new companion will make me tune back in (then again Peri is one of the main reasons to watch the excellent Sixth Doctor stories over & over again) ;)

Oh & have a search on You Tube for "Planet Of Fire - Episode 1" ;) :lol: :D
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For the love of God people! I'm sat here after a hard days graft, it's boiling, I'm topless, aggghhh.

*goes for a cold shower with immediate effect*
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By Johnny 1989
Thanks for the pics ed, definately up there with the likes of Polly, Zoe, Jo, Sarah, Romana I & II, Nyssa, Peri & Martha :D
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By My_name_is_Nobody
Ed Pummelon wrote:I have a feeling that site will get more hits over the weekend than they normally get in a year....

Very good!
And I am looking forward to seeing the character she plays.
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By Ed Pummelon
If you want to hear her as well as see her search YouTube for the Kevin Bishop Gay Pretender clip.
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By Mnesomeye
OK. I'm gonna try really hard to stay level-headed, here.

Do none of you have wives, or girlfriends? Why are you ogling over her? She's a brilliant actor - why can't you consider this, rather than "oh she looks hot naked"?
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By Ed Pummelon
She isn't naked in any picture I've seen? However she is a very attractive woman and this isn't going to go unnoticed by any heterosexual male viewer - and I'm quite sure it was a factor in choosing her. Indeed Steven Moffat, writer and exec producer, describes her as "funny, and clever, and gorgeous, and sexy." On the flip side, I know several female friends and colleagues who are more than happy to appreciate the beauty of David Tennant - and why not?

I would love to consider her acting ability as well, but other than the YouTube clip I already mentioned, I haven't seen her in anything. You say she's brilliant, and I hope you're right - got any links?
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By Mnesomeye
OK - I apologise for what I said. I'm really, really het up right now. Just ignore me, yeah? Sorry. ^_^;;
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By Ed Pummelon
No need to apologise, it's a point worth discussing. But I'm intrigued by you saying she's a brilliant actress - I'd genuinely like to see some of her work (apart from the second episode of the most recent DW series of course).
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By Yudster
I hope she is a good actress - I'm sure she is, they surely wouldn't make a fundamental casting mistake of that sort. My concern is that because of her physical impact, and the initial reaction of most men, Dr Who as a show might alienate a proportion of its viewers - ie the women!
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By Ed Pummelon
I've got no doubt part of the casting is because she and Matt Smith look good together, but like you I hope it's more than just that. I've seen Matt Smith in a couple of things before, notably Party Animals where he was very good, but we'll have to wait and see with Karen Gillan.

The visuals are massively important in Doctor Who obviously, but there is or should be a lot more to it as well. However I have a lot of respect for Steven Moffatt based on what he's done so far, so here's hoping...
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By Yudster
Matt Smith is weird looking. Not unattractive, but definitely weird. I think its important now for The Doctor to be, on some level or another (and not merely cerebrally), interesting to women. Personally I think the same should apply to the companion - I do worry that they have just gone for the visual impact here, but just because she's gorgeous doesn't mean she won't be brilliant too. I hope.
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By Munki Bhoy
I like the fact this is pretty much her first big role. That matches up nicely with Matt Smith.

The fact she's attractive is a bonus, and personally I don't see what's wrong with pointing it out. Everyone likes to be told they're good looking, sexy, attractive or whatever. There's no need for jealousy because a) she's on the telly and I am unlikely to ever meet her let alone anything else and b) as far as girlfriends and wives go, it can be summed up with the following statement: "I'm with you, aren't I? Clearly there's something about you that's good looking, sexy, attractive or whatever too."
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By Ed Pummelon
And in any case, any wife or girlfriend who believes her husband / boyfriend doesn't even look at other women is kidding herself - and vice versa.
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By CassieJackson
Ed Pummelon wrote:I know several female friends and colleagues who are more than happy to appreciate the beauty of David Tennant - and why not?

I am happy to be counted with Ed's friends and colleagues. Why not indeed.

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