Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Bonanzoid

Does it actually matter what he said? Especially the fact that, as I type, it's the most read story on BBC News. People need to get a life, in particular the people who researched this and the people who paid the sad feckers!
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By Console
Obviously you care enough to complain about other people caring about it, so I'd think that other people caring enough to comment on it in the first place is obviously true.

NB: I haven't read the linked article.
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By Yudster
You were probably under a lot of pressure.
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By Yudster
I never speak atmospherically.
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By Yudster
Probably. I'll work on it.
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By Yudster
I responded to "airily" differently - I kind of got up-in-the-air, condescending, over people's heads - not so pleasant. Probably more likely though.
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By Yudster
I'm not sure I have enough understanding of all the implications of ecumenism to ascribe to it. Its one of those things that sounds great on the surface, but if you look at it a bit more thoroughly you realise why it hasn't ever happened before. It wouldn't work anyway.
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By Yudster
Father Ted definitely wouldn't be in favour. And I didn't have to work at airily - I was planning on working on stopping it. If possible.
Console wrote:Obviously you care enough to complain about other people caring about it, so I'd think that other people caring enough to comment on it in the first place is obviously true.

NB: I haven't read the linked article.

I found it amusing.
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By Yudster
Ed Pummelon wrote:You shouldn't stop airily, nothing exists in a vacuum. Except fluff.

So I could be fluff, or nothing? Well I'm not fluff, but.........
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By Yudster
No, I have a tumble dryer.
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By Yudster
Now I don't even have an office.
boboff wrote:Ah, that would be an ecumenical matter!


:lol: a fantastic episode, I really need to dig out my Father Ted DVD's

As for the article in question, I don't see what's so wrong with the way he said it anyway? Makes perfect sense to me.

I wish I could get paid loads of money for basically doing sod all

Sat and today are up