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TIAL wrote:I think you underestimate how much information is gathered from people talking to others.

I gather information from talking to others on a daily basis, don't we all?

TIAL wrote:Tertiary information and hearsay will have played a big part in this election.

You've said this before but what do you mean? Less people voted than before - what was this hearsay?
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JonnyYesno wrote:
TIAL wrote:I think you underestimate how much information is gathered from people talking to others.

I gather information from talking to others on a daily basis, don't we all?

Of course. My point was that some people listen to their friends more than the media, so hearsay will have an influence on who people vote for. The fact that less people voted this time is irrelevant to my point.
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By Sidders
I think the government should send the BNP politicians to an island somewhere and put them in charge. Then anyone who votes for the BNP should be sent there to live and we should see how they like it. I wouldn't give it long before they came back with their tail between their legs.
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By MK Chris
My sister actually thought it stood for Black National Party. I kid you not.
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By Yudster
British Nazi Party.
Topher wrote:My sister actually thought it stood for Black National Party. I kid you not.

Oddly enough, my cousin had a friend, who was black & was part of the BNP 8O (don't ask me how that worked out, he couldn't either), surfice to say he hasn't been friends with him for a very long while now.
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By MK Chris
He couldn't have been a member, they only allow caucasians to join.
Topher wrote:He couldn't have been a member, they only allow caucasians to join.

Apparently he went on the rallies with them & went round beating non-white people. As I say don't ask me how that worked, perhaps he was a "good fighter" and so they let him in as he could do some major damage, I don't know really but it's really odd anyway.
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By Yudster
I'm sure the legislation covering such things only applies to organisations affiliated to public institutions or bodies, I've got a feeling that a political party wouldn't be covered by it any more than any private members club would be. I'm not certain though, I'll have to look it up.
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By MK Chris
Well, either way, Johnny 1989's cousin's former friend is a pig-ignorant * moron, like the rest of their supporters.
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By Yudster
Love the British Legion.
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By MK Chris
Also - this is long - in fact it's four blog posts (with one more to come I think), but these are the sort of questions the media should be asking Griffin, rather than "why are you so racist" all the time:

Questions for the BNP: part one
Questions for the BNP: part two
Questions for the BNP: part three
Questions for the BNP: part four
Topher wrote:My sister actually thought it stood for Black National Party. I kid you not.

BNP (Black National Party)

The BNP (Black National Party) has been created to expedite the work of the Race Equality Secret Service (RESS). The BNP (Black National Party) gets stronger as the BNP (British National Party) gets weaker.

Have you heard about them?
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By Yudster
No. And shouting isn't going to help. Shhhhhh.
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By Yudster
Its not one of my primary motivations - never has been.
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